1. Modern state and digital awakening
“The administration should become more agile and digital”, it says in the guiding principle for the first point of the exploratory results. The aim is to accelerate and modernize administrative, planning and approval processes. For this purpose, the competencies in the federal government are to be redistributed. In addition, the provision of rural areas is to be improved.
2. Climate protection in a socio-ecological market economy
The traffic light sees climate protection as “one of the greatest challenges of our time”. At the same time, however, it is also an opportunity for new business models and technologies. These two points are intended to reconcile the core concerns of the Greens and the FDP. The main task is to get Germany on the 1.5-degree path. There are also specific suggestions for this:
- All suitable roof areas are to be used for solar energy in the future.
- Two percent of the land area is to be designated for onshore wind power.
- An exit from coal-fired power generation should “ideally” succeed by 2030.
- There should be a general speed limit in Germany, however, do not exist.
3. Respect and opportunities in the modern world of work
In the most important agreement on this point, the SPD and the Greens prevailed. The minimum wage is to be raised to 12 euros. In addition, the traffic light also wants to abolish the current basic security model (Hartz IV) and replace it with a citizen’s benefit.
4. Make social security citizen-friendly
5. Opportunities for children, strong families and the best education for a lifetime
More children should be lifted out of poverty. There should also be a model for basic child benefits. Daycare centers and all-day schools want to further promote the parties and anchor children’s rights in the Basic Law.
6th Promote innovation and achieve new competitiveness
7. Offensive for affordable and sustainable building and living
A clear target is set for the construction of new apartments: 400,000 per year, 100,000 of which are publicly funded apartments. The federal states should be able to introduce a more flexible structure of the real estate transfer tax “in order to facilitate the acquisition of owner-occupied residential property”. In order to finance this, tax loopholes are to be closed in real estate acquisitions by corporations (share deals).
8th. Freedom and Security, Equality and Diversity in Modern Democracy
The voting age is to be reduced to 16 years under this new government.
The skilled worker immigration law should be purged and a point system should also be introduced.
9. Future investments and sustainable public finances
The traffic light promises not to burden citizens with new taxes: “We will not introduce any new taxes on assets and we will not increase taxes such as income, company or sales tax.”
10. Germany’s responsibility for Europe and the world
The SPD, the Greens and the FDP are clearly in favor of strengthening the EU, with particular emphasis on the partnership with France. The European armies should work together more intensively.
In addition, the possible federal government wants to take the initiative for the following EU-wide projects: a European digital infrastructure, a common rail network, an energy infrastructure for renewable electricity and hydrogen.