Nintendo Switch pulled the plug on a feature with the update!

Nintendo Switch new system update 18.1.0 has been released. They made a very interesting change with this update. While updates usually add new features, this time a feature has been removed. Here is the removed feature…

With its new update, the ability to directly upload content to the X (formerly Twitter) platform via Nintendo Switch has been removed. Now users can download via Switch. screenshots or video clips will not be able to load directly to X. This change was announced in May, and Nintendo kept its promise.


Although the reasons behind this decision are not clear, some economic factors are thought to be influential. This decision may have been triggered by the fact that X’s API usage fees start from 40 thousand dollars per month and go up to 210 thousand dollars with high-end plans. In addition, Elon Musk’s expansions towards adult content on the X platform may be the reason for the removal of this feature with the Nintendo Switch update.

While its competitors are shrinking, Nintendo continues to grow!While its competitors are shrinking, Nintendo continues to grow!

While its competitors are shrinking, Nintendo continues to grow!

While many companies in the gaming industry are on the agenda with layoffs, Nintendo announced that it continues to grow unabated. Here are the details…

Nintendo’s sharing support with Facebook still continues, but it is possible that this feature will be removed in the future. There is also speculation that these moves could be part of Nintendo’s strategy to create its own social media platform in the future. Perhaps a platform similar to Wii U’s Miiverse is planned for Nintendo Switch 2.

Although Switch users will no longer be able to directly upload their content to the X, it is still possible to share that content. Switch for this wirelessly You will need to transfer the contents by connecting it to a smartphone or a PC with a USB cable.

What do you think about Nintendo’s new update? You can write your opinions in the comments section below.

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