NFT and Metaverse Predictions from Analyst: This Will Make It into the Top 10!

According to analysts’ views, NFTs will rise when Metaverse becomes widespread in 5 years. The analyst says that crypto is starting to recover and demand for NFT is increasing rapidly. NFT search volume has surpassed Crypto in Google trends. The analyst advises you to pay attention to crypto games. Details‘in.

NFT will be rising value

Youtube crypto analyst JRNY believes the markets will generally recover by the end of 2021. According to him, the recovery is already starting with Bitcoin breaking above $51,000.

Cardano is up 10%, Terra Luna is up 15%, and Sandbox is 22%, which the analyst believes will be one of the top 10 cryptocurrencies at some point in 2022. Heading into 2022, JRNY NFT has now confirmed that there is massive global search interest for NFT that surpasses crypto for the first time. JRNY states that he expects the metaverse to go mainstream, which he thinks will take at least five years to happen. He warns that a very high percentage of NFT sets will be lost because they don’t have good teams behind them.

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As the Metaverse begins to garner interest, more companies are getting involved in NFTs, says the analyst. Nike, Adidas, Snoop Dog, Steve Aoki, Grimes, and more are making their way into their metaverse NFTs. And this will continue because they want to play a role in the meta-universe where the future of social media is headed. Besides that, many NFTs are now creating their own cryptocurrencies to provide rewards and utility in their ecosystem for games and other things. JRNY is optimistic about Ethereum, Cardano, and Avalanche for 2022, and Chainlink (LINK), which is currently one of his top 100 picks for 2022. This is because they get the most partnerships out of any crypto project. To sum it up, he says there would be a great use case for metadata storage and NFTs coming from Chainlink.

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