News From Elon Musk That Dropped Bitcoin and DOGE!

The crypto community was rocked after Twitter CEO Elon Musk announced in an interview that various US government agencies have full access to everything that happens on Twitter, including private messages (DMs). The announcement caused Bitcoin and Dogecoin prices to plummet, and both are currently trading in the “red.” Here are the details…

Elon Musk explains what the government has achieved As we have also reported, Elon Musk bought Twitter for $ 44 billion last year and sat on the CEO seat. Now, he has made some critical statements about the previous state of Twitter. “I was blown away by the extent to which various government agencies effectively have full access to everything going on on Twitter,” Musk told Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson. He also expressed concern about the dangers of artificial intelligence (AI) and introduced X.AI, the new AI company to rival OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

The revelation of the US government’s access to Twitter user activities and DMs has shocked the crypto community, and many believe similar access exists on other social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, and Google. Some even made comparisons to the illegal government surveillance disclosed by Edward Snowden in 2013.

Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies fell

As a result of the news, Bitcoin and Ethereum prices fell and the price of Bitcoin fell from the psychological barrier of $30,000 to a 24-hour low of $29,816. Dogecoin, one of Musk’s favorites, also felt the pressure and its price fell 3 percent from its 24-hour high of $0.0915 to $0.0894.

Crypto influencer Matt Wallace has claimed that the US government is moving closer to implementing a social credit monitoring system similar to the one in China to spy on user activity online. The revelation that the government is spying on Twitter users has caused concern in the crypto community and could lead to increased efforts to protect user privacy in the future.

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