New NFT Protocol Delivering 10X More Gains than Opensea Competitor Blur

NFT marketplace Blur, which was launched at the beginning of this year and has achieved a significant market volume, has launched the NFT lending protocol called “Blend”.

Blur is a recent social media in your postannounced the launch of Blend, the NFT lending protocol. Blur LendingBlend, which is short for Borrowing tokens by using NFTs as collateral It aims to enable investors to maximize their NFT liquidity. The statement also leverages Blend’s existing decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. 10 times more more earning said to provide the opportunity.

Between lender and borrower permanent contracts For those who want to be included in the NFT market thanks to new opportunities will create P2P (peer to peer) protocolventure capital firm Dan Robinson of Paradigm and before OpenSeacontributed to the establishment of Transmissions11 realized with the support of the company.

A P2P transaction type is one where the buyer and seller interact directly with each other, rather than a centralized exchange. Blur, completely blockchain from this procedure that takes place between two persons on will not charge any transaction fee stated. Blend’s lending protocol is valid until the transaction parties terminate the contract.incessant has a structure.

Many people may want to buy a collection, but few can afford it all at once. The solution is NFT lending. By default, Blend credits have fixed rates and never expire. Borrowers can repay whenever they want, while lenders can exit their positions by triggering a “Dutch auction” to find a new lender at a new rate. If this auction fails, the debtor is liquidated and the lender forfeits the collateral.

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