New Method to Eliminate Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

Scientists from the USA and France have developed a new method, together with antibiotics and bacteriophages, to kill a bacterium called Mycobacterium abscessus, which is extremely harmful to human health.

Mycobacterium abscessus, which causes serious diseases such as tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis and leprosy, can be found in the human body. that can attach to the lungs and cause serious damage and is an extremely difficult type of bacteria to treat, as it is resistant to many antibiotics.

Scientists from the University of Pittsburgh in the USA and the University of Montpellier in France have developed a new treatment method against this type of bacteria, which is impossible to treat in most cases. In this treatment, which will be a hope for patients infected with this bacteria, bacteriophage and a new type of antibiotic used.

With their own method, the chance of survival increases by 70%

Zebrafish infected with Mycobacterium abscessus

Scientists, who wanted to see how their method worked in the treatment of cystic fibrosis, first examined zebrafish, whose response to treatment has a similar structure to human genetics. After examining zebrafish with cystic fibrosis for 12 days, the researchers found that the fish were highly infected and only 20% survive observed.

Scientists, in the second part of the experiments, consisting of 10 thousand bacteriophages “muddy” when they apply the treatment method they have developed before, the infection status of the fish is better than the previous ones, and their chance of survival increased by 40% revealed.

Researchers who give hope to people with the final stage, “muddy with combining a different antibiotic therapy zebrafish’s chances of survival increased to 70% and saw infection levels decline significantly. Scientists who stated that they want to develop this treatment for humans, will soon begin clinical trials expressed.

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