Netflix Brings New Feature For Better Recommendations

Netflix continues to add features that will provide convenience to its viewers. This feature, which has been recently added to the features where the main purpose is to get rid of the worry of ‘what should I watch’, allows you to ‘like’ a movie or TV series more than usual, and thus your home page is better shaped.

Netflix is ​​developing a new feature to help it streamline your homepage with even better recommendations: Two Thumbs Up (I Love This!) The new feature will incorporate existing like and dislike controls that help Netflix understand what to show individual subscribers. I liked it! button allows users to really do something. to express their love will enable.

The company states that this feature has been requested by users for a while. Christine Doig-Cardet, director of product development and personalization at Netflix, in an interview “Members have never had as many options as they have now. It’s really important to find TV shows and movies you’ll love. We want to continue to make Netflix the easiest place to choose something to watch.” says.

End the trouble of choosing a TV series

Netflix started using the like and dislike system in 2017 and had given up on the five-star rating system. Doig-Cardet says it’s not enough for users to indicate which movies or series they like and dislike, and that the new button will help subscribers better navigate Netflix’s huge library of TV shows and movies by suggesting TV shows or movies more specifically.


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Christine Doig-Cardet states that with this new feature, they hope to end the trouble of choosing a TV series. New ‘I Love This!’ Starting today, the button will be next to the Like and Dislike buttons on Netflix’s website, TV, Android and iOS apps.

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