NASA live broadcast caused panic: What’s going on?

NASA live broadcast showing astronauts suffering from decompression sickness on the International Space Station (ISS) caused panic. This led to many rumors on social media that there was an emergency on the International Space Station. Here are the details…

The International Space Station’s YouTube channel made an audio broadcast last night that a crew member was showing signs of decompression sickness. On the air, a female voice asked crew members to redress the commander, check his pulse and give him oxygen. He stated that his condition was critical.

So, what is decompression sickness mentioned during the NASA live broadcast? Decompression sickness is also known as decompression sickness in Turkish. Sudden changes in atmospheric pressure cause dissolved gases in the body to form bubbles in the blood and tissues.

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The resulting gas bubbles can block the vessels and damage the surrounding tissues, causing various health problems including death. The disease, which is likely to happen to astronauts on the International Space Station due to pressure changes, also created great panic due to the frightening sound recordings during the broadcast.

Many space enthusiasts shared the NASA live broadcast link on social media and warned that there was a serious emergency at the International Space Station. However, NASA stated in a statement from the International Space Station’s

It was also announced that the International Space Station crew was asleep at the time of the incident and was preparing for the spacewalk to be held today. In the statement made on SpaceX’s social media account, it was stated that this was just a test.

Many reactions came after NASA announced the live broadcast event, which took place after midnight Türkiye time. Due to the statement made about two hours later, users argued that NASA should be faster on such issues.

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