Most Searched Term on Bing According to Google ‘Google’

Google, which has been in trouble with lawsuits filed on its behalf for unfair advantage in online search, made a defense this week that questioned the reasoning of the lawsuit. According to the defense of Google’s lawyer, the most searched thing in a search engine, one of Google’s biggest competitors, is ‘Google’.

The tech giant that has been under fire for years for dominating online search Googlenow facing a lawsuit in the EU for the same reason.

Google, which hides behind the idea that users prefer Google over other search engine alternatives, bing It supports the fact that the most popular search on Google is ‘Google’.

“They use it because they want, not because they have to”

BloombergAccording to the news of Google’s parent company Alphabetan attorney of In fact, the most popular search on Bing, one of the popular search engines, is actually ‘Google’ this week the evidence supporting that EU General Courtwhat he offered.

Google intends to use this to prove that users use Google not because it is the default option on their device, but because they prefer it over alternatives.

Alphabet’s lawyer Alfonso Lamadrid, in his statement, “We’ve submitted evidence showing that the most common search query on Bing is by far Google. People use Google because they want to, not because they have to. Google’s market share in general search is consistent with consumer surveys showing that 95% of users prefer Google over competing search engines.” used the phrases.

Google is appealing the penalty:


Microsoft‘s search engine, Bing; also the world’s most popular desktop operating system windowsas well as the company edge It is also the default option in the browser.

EU’s lawsuit against Google, Google’s search engine Android on phones “unfairly” He decided that he was using it and pushing his opponents by making it the default option on these devices. Google is currently appealing the $5 billion penalty.

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