More than 170 dead in stampede after soccer game

The stadium in Indonesia after the disaster

According to Fifa, stewards or police officers are not allowed to carry or use any tear gas at football games.

(Photo: dpa)

jakarta At least 174 people were killed in a mass panic after a soccer match in Indonesia, according to the authorities. Another 180 were injured after visitors in the stadium were overrun while trying to escape, the police in East Java said on Sunday.

Police chief Nico Afinta told reporters that fans of defeated home team Arema FC stormed onto the pitch after Saturday night’s game at Malang stadium to vent their anger at the defeat. Security forces then used tear gas to bring the situation under control. That triggered a mass panic. If the number of victims is confirmed, it will be one of the largest stadium accidents in the history of football worldwide.

The situation after the end of the game had become “anarchic”, said police chief Afinta. “They attacked officials and damaged cars.” There was then a crowd when fans fled to an exit after Arema FC’s game against Persebaya Surabaya.

Video footage from local TV stations shows crowds pouring onto the pitch. Then it comes to fisticuffs and wafts of fog can be seen, which are apparently tear gas. Pictures of people who have apparently lost consciousness and are carried away by other fans can also be seen.

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The head of a local hospital told Metro TV some of the victims suffered brain injuries. A five-year-old child was among the dead.

More spectators in the stadium than allowed

Indonesian Security Minister Mahfud MD wrote on Telegram that the stadium was filled beyond capacity. 42,000 tickets were sold, but the stadium was only approved for 38,000 visitors. East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa said financial aid would be given to the injured and families of the victims.

There have been repeated riots and violence among supporters of various clubs at games in Indonesia. Indonesia’s Sports Minister Zainudin Amali told the broadcaster “KompasTV” after the accident that he would reassess the safety of football games and also consider not allowing spectators in stadiums for the time being. Indonesia’s top league BRI Liga 1 announced it would suspend games for a week. The football association says it wants to launch an investigation.

Supporters storm the field

If the number of victims is confirmed, it will probably be the largest catastrophe of this kind in football.

(Photo: dpa)

The world football association Fifa stipulates that stewards and police officers in stadiums are not allowed to carry or use firearms or tear gas. East Java Police did not initially respond to a request if they were aware of such regulations.

Indonesia is hosting the Under-20 World Cup in May and June 2023. After China withdrew its bid, Indonesia is also one of three countries bidding to host the Asian Cup next year , the equivalent of the European Football Championship.

One of the world’s worst stadium disasters occurred in 1989 at Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield, UK. A scrum broke out during Liverpool’s game against Nottingham Forest, resulting in 96 deaths and more than 760 injuries.

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