Misunderstood Idioms and Proverbs

We all frequently use idioms and proverbs in our daily lives, right? With all these expressions, we make what we want to say even more effective. However, you will be quite surprised when you learn that we actually know some of the idioms and proverbs wrong!

For example, “The fool will know.” Is it really true? Or should it actually be said differently?

Let’s discover these common mistakes and truths together. Are you ready? Let’s see which in idioms and proverbs we were wrong!

There is an eye, there is a mind

Many of us use the word to explain that something can be understood through eyes and mind. “izan” We call it “order” instead. The word “Izan” actually means “understanding” It fits the description of the word and means, but by using the word “order”, which means “order”, we emphasize once again what the eye actually does.

Horses fight, donkeys get crushed

Come on, many of them are missing letters, but there are more of them, from horses to elephants, from donkey to grass We don’t know how we got here. Anyway, from now on, you can use our proverb knowing the truth.

reading the eyes velfecri

Although we cannot find the words “ferfecir” and “velfecri” in the Turkish dictionary, “velfecri” used in the idiom is a word of Arabic origin. “Tan, sunrise redness” It is derived from the word “fecir” meaning “fecir”.

If there was a fire, it would burn the size of an earth

If there was a fire, it would burn the size of an earth

As you noticed, in the expression that appears as “a word that shows that the opponent is not taken seriously”, we say “crime”, not “crime”. “Crime” actually means “crime, mistake, fault, mistake”. “Volume” means “volume” means. In other words, the meaning of the idiom is already correct with the word “cirim”.

It’s either herru or merru

“Herro” and “merro” We are sorry for those who said. You can also change the letter in this expression.

What does a donkey know about compote? drinks its water and leaves its grain

What does a donkey know about sweethearts?

We have been doing this for years “good talk” We kept saying. However, as you can see in the rest of the proverb, it is very compatible with compote.

Abdala becomes known

Abdala becomes known

Another one of the most misunderstood proverbs. Although the word “Abdal” has two meanings, such as “someone who looks like a beggar and is shabby” and “someone who makes a profession of playing drums and zurna”, it also has another meaning. Room “wandering dervish”. When we look at this meaning, it “becomes known to the dervish.” In fact, we are saying. Doesn’t that make sense?

The lover of giraffe wears white on a winter day

The lover of giraffe wears white on a winter day

Instead of “poor” or “giraffe” you can now say “giraffe”. “Giraffe” here “they are polite” means. Otherwise, it has nothing to do with the poor or giraffes.

By the way, “It is said about those who dress lightly in winter.” “zemheri giraffe” Another truth is unknown. Let’s not say “giraffe” here either.

to defile

Those who use “n” instead of the letter “R” have now learned the correct way. In our idiom used to mean “to pollute, to render unusable” or “to waste, to spend in vain” “unclean” It alone means “dirty”.

It is unclear what

We are sorry for those who say “it”, but the correct thing would be “it”. Himself in old Turkish “to be” means.

There is death and there is life

There is death and there is life

“What difference does it make?” Let’s not say that and let’s know the truth of this proverb. “I stay” Let us state that it is not included in our dictionary and we use it as “living”.

How many of them did you learn with this content?

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