Minister Talked About This Bitcoin Exchange! –

Treasury and Finance Minister Nureddin Nebati announced that an investigation has been initiated for the bankrupt Bitcoin and altcoin exchange FTX. Here are the details…

Review for Bitcoin and altcoin exchange FTX!

The Ministry of Treasury and Finance of the Republic of Turkey made a statement regarding the crypto money exchange FTX, which went bankrupt in the past few days. Finance Minister Nureddin Nebati said that an investigation has been launched against FTX. Nabati made statements at the 555th anniversary of the Mint. He announced that the Financial Crimes Investigation Board (MASAK) started the said investigation.

Nebati said that MASAK has started an investigation for natural and legal persons belonging to FTX. In the statement made by MASAK in the past days, some accounts for FTX have been suspended. According to the statement, the bank accounts of institutions were suspended within the scope of the investigation for FTX.

The article will be updated, more to come…

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