Meta Complains About Regulations in Europe – Webtekno

Meta, which recently received a new objection from privacy regulators, has decided to suspend its plan for AI bots in Europe.

Recently, the Irish Data Protection Commission DPC, from Meta He had requested to delay training large language models on content publicly posted to his Facebook and Instagram profiles. Meta, who published a blog post on the subject, said, “especially since they have incorporated regulatory feedback since March and the European Data Protection Authorities have been informed” against this demand “they were disappointed” he stated.

Meta’s users in Europe recently to inform you that data will be collected It is also stated that it has started and offers users an opt-out option in accordance with European Privacy Laws. Although Meta stated in its blog post that it would continue to work in cooperation with DPC, it also stated that its competitors were already using data from Europe and that its own tools would be weaker if permission was not granted.

“We need local data”

In the blog post, Meta said: “Simply put, without incorporating local knowledge, we a second class experience we can offer. This means we cannot launch Meta AI in Europe at this time.” He uses the expressions. Therefore, while the company paused its operations, European regulators were pleased with this decision.

DPC’s claim against Meta 11 different complaint applications It came after the activities of the group called NYOB. NYOB Founder Max Schrems said in his statement on the subject: “Meta basically says that it can use any authority from any source for any purpose and make it accessible to anyone in the world as long as it is delivered through AI technology. “This is clearly the opposite of GDPR compliance.” he said.


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