Mark Zuckerberg Criticizes Apple for VR

Mark Zuckerberg made statements about his rivalries with Apple at the Connect event, where Meta shared the new VR device and metaverse developments. Meta CEO stated that he thinks Apple’s closed ecosystem, which is expected to release VR devices soon, will be bad for consumers.

US-based tech giant Metaheld a conference called ‘Connect’ yesterday on virtual reality moves. Operating under the leadership of Mark Zuckerberg, the company announced its new steps in the metaverse while introducing the new VR device Quest Pro.

Zuckerberg also made some important statements at the event. In an interview with The Verge, the 38-year-old billionaire criticized another technology giant Apple, which is expected to step into the virtual reality world soon.

Apple’s closed ecosystem will be bad for VR users

Zuckerberg stated that he is ready to compete with Apple in his statement. Entrepreneur says Apple’s as-yet-unannounced VR platform ‘a closed ecosystem‘ and therefore for consumers it would be bad expressed. He described Meta’s ecosystem as ‘open’. As it is known, it has been said that Apple has been working on the VR / AR set for a while; however, it was not known when this move of the company would come. Zuckerberg continued in his interview that Apple has as much control over VR headsets as it does on iPhones and Macs. can harm also added.

Zuckerberg made similar statements to his employees regarding the Apple-Meta competition in the past months. Referring to the rivalry between the two companies on metaverse technologies, the billionaire said, “This is a war of ideas and ideology.While giving his statements, he said that Meta’s products will be cheaper than Apple’s and that they have an ‘open’ system.


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In his previous statements, the entrepreneur also stated that, in addition to trying to make more things interoperable with Android, they built a metaverse that will bring virtual products from one world to another, and that they created an ‘open ecosystem’ in this way, while Apple did not. Now, he has expressed his thoughts publicly.

It should be added that Meta CEO is not the only one who criticizes Apple on this issue. Google has also recently called on Apple to adopt RCS (Rich Communications Service), which could significantly improve the messaging experience between Android and iOS users, and criticized the company for this closure.

I believe an open metaverse built by different developers and companies would be better.”

Despite these statements, Meta CEO, who said that he still does not know whether the open ecosystem or the closed ecosystem will be widespread in the future of VR systems, spoke about this issue at the end of yesterday’s conference. Zuckerberg said that we have seen ‘open and closed’ ecosystems many times in the history of information technologies such as Windows and Macos, Android and iOS. He also stated that in closed ecosystems, all the values ​​and profits go to the owner of the platform, while more people and companies can share what comes out in open ecosystems.

Finally, Zuckerberg ended the conference with the following words:An open, interoperable metaverse by many different developers and companies. I believe it will be betterused the phrases.

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