MANEKI Coin Price Listed on Bybit Rising and Attracting Attention!

Solana based meme coin MANEKI, experienced a 20% increase in price in early US trading hours today. This increase is linked to the listing of meme coin on cryptocurrency exchange Bybit. Bybit announced that “MANEKIUSDT Perpetual Contract is now active on Bybit,” allowing traders to trade the token using a leverage range of 1 to 12.5 times. This development has allowed investors to increase potential returns by providing expanded trading opportunities.

The listing of Bybit was a significant milestone for MANEKI and increased the token’s reach to a wider audience. The promotional video published on social media managed to attract the attention of the community and potential buyers.

Market watchers say such major stock exchange listings cryptocurrency He thinks it has a lasting positive effect on its price. It is predicted that the MANEKI price may continue its upward trend in the short term with increasing transaction volumes. The leveraged trading opportunity at Bybit increases growth potential as traders seek to achieve maximum returns on their investments.

While the current momentum is promising, it is important for investors to be aware of the volatility associated with meme coins. Currently, MANEKI price is up 19.75% to $0.009845 and trading volume is up 70% to $32.9 million. Following the listing announcement, MANEKI peaked at $0.01007.

Writer Hasan Hüseyin Lif about :

He is a ‘sociologist’ interested in politics, economy and migration. My interest in blockchain technology first led me to KoinFinans. I have been preparing articles about the industry, especially cryptocurrency news, for about three years.

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