Long Positions on Bitcoin (BTC) Hover at 12-Month Highs

The highest long position level of the last 12 months has been reached on the Bitcoin (BTC) parity.

According to Datamish data, Bitcoin price in June Horizontal cruise of 20 thousand dollars While this was happening, investors increased the amount of long positions. in early June Long position data rising to 109.416at the time of writing the article 103,234 level It is located close to its highest position. If short-direction position data 3,252It shows .

When this data is interpreted, users who are interested in trading They expect a rise above the Bitcoin price. can be observed clearly. Likewise, the fact that the majority of bullish positions are collected on Bitcoin, investors can expect in the long run. altcoin It can be concluded that they prefer the leading cryptocurrency rather than waiting in their positions.

On the other hand, the events on the Bitcoin parity on August 19 10% withdrawalmay June Terra (Luna) We can say that it caused liquidation in an amount equivalent to the loss that occurred during the crisis. Approximately $600 million was liquidated. this short and rapid pullback seems to have wiped out many bullish positions from the market. However, it is a known fact that such clearing of positions is necessary for a healthy rise, and market makers do not miss these liquidation opportunities.

As a result, these data show that although it is not known whether the bottom levels are behind for the Bitcoin price, investors believe that the worst scenario has already happened and that that bullish movements can be observed in the future. is thinking.

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