Lol Viktor CT(Counter), Abilities, Strong Weak Traits

Viktor, one of Zaun’s brilliant scientists. A character who combines his science with his own body. In this article, we will examine Viktor’s CTs (Counters), strong and weak features and abilities, one of the dangerous characters of the mid laner.

Although it is in the mage category, it has different characteristics compared to normal mage. victor. Although he does not show his strength in the early stages of the game, Viktor, who is referred to as Zaun’s mechanical engineer, continues to exist as the game gets longer. heavily It is a character that stands out, and be sure, this way of expression can show itself in a very annoying way.

Standing out with his survivability feature, especially when compared to normal mages, Viktor has gained a place in the top lane thanks to these features from time to time. Of course, although his main laner was the middle lane, he could also be a dangerous character in the top lane. That’s why we have Viktor’s their CT (Counter), their abilities, strong and weak features We decided to take a look.

Viktor CTs: Strong counters against Viktor

  • Twisted Fate
  • ekko
  • Akshan
  • Kassadin
  • Ahri

Victor’s worst enemy may have trouble with mobility. Especially in the lane phase, the characters who are a little stronger in terms of mobility can trouble Viktor. At worst, when the opposing player goes to help in different lanes, Viktor can’t help his team as quickly as his opponent. Although this is not at the corridor level can cause problems throughout the game.

All the abilities of Viktor the Scientist Who Dominates Machines:


  • Passive / Glory of Evolution: Viktor can improve his basic abilities when he kills opponents.
  • Q / Power Transmission: Viktor attacks an enemy unit, dealing magic damage, gaining a shield, and increasing the power of his next basic attack. Attachment: After casting the ability, Power Transmission’s shield is increased by 60% and Viktor gains bonus movement speed.
  • W / Gravity Area: Viktor’s device creates a gravitational field that slows all enemies within its radius. Enemies that stay in the device’s area of ​​effect too long are stunned. Attachment: Viktor’s abilities that don’t show their effect over time slow enemies.
  • E / Death Ray: Using his robot arm, Viktor fires a chaos beam that cuts through the ground in lines and deals damage to all enemies in its path. Attachment: The Death Ray is followed by a series of explosions dealing magic damage.
  • R / Chaos Storm: Viktor creates a whirlwind of chaos on the ground dealing magic damage, preventing enemies from focusing. The whirlwind then begins to periodically deal magic damage to all nearby enemies. Viktor can steer the whirlwind. Attachment: Chaos Storm moves 25% faster.

Mechanical engineer strengths and weaknesses of the mid lane:


Victor’s strengths:

  • Higher survivability potential than most mages
  • Greater damage from mid tier
  • Ability to push down the aisle very quickly

Viktor is more than most mages with the payoff of his abilities. have the potential to survive. In addition, it starts to get quite strong from the middle stage and in addition to this, he can push his lane very fast. Although he doesn’t show his damage in the early phase, Viktor gets stronger from the middle phase and can reflect this power. Especially when the game extends to the late stages, encountering Viktor can turn into a duel that results in your death.

Viktor’s weak features:

  • Having trouble with mobility
  • Having trouble with crowd control like many mages
  • Having trouble with assassins

Viktor is a character with more survivability than most wizards. But this is still the case against Viktor’s assassins. Doesn’t prevent you from having problems. Of course, it can resist more, but it can still be a meal. However, like many wizards, Viktor against mass control It is an inevitable fact that there will be problems. While the aforementioned weaknesses are similar to the problems experienced by many mages, this is the situation that League of Legends generally suffers from.

How to play Viktor in LoL?


  • Your Q and E abilities are your most basic damage. In addition to using your Q skill especially aggressively, the shield you get afterward will also be useful defensively.
  • Your W ability is very effective at defending and squeezing your opponent. If you use it correctly, you can push your opponent out of the safe zone.
  • Playing with hits is a very powerful and effective playstyle for Viktor. Especially if you manage to use your W ability correctly, you can go out of battle and wait for your abilities to come back after you hit your damage.

Your Q and E abilities are your most basic attacking abilities. But your Q ability is also combined with the shield it grants. defense function he sees too. Your W will be your ultimate ability to defend. Besides, its rival push out of the safe zone It’s a skill you can use, too. Playing with hits is a very effective way of playing for Viktor. Instead of going directly into head-to-head battles, you can enter and exit battles with the right W skill and play safely.

How to play against Viktor, how to beat Viktor?


  • Viktor is a very dominant character in the lane phase. Especially since W is a skill that can prevent you from moving comfortably, it is useful to play extra carefully against W ability.
  • Viktor is a very good character to hit and run. Especially when you’re stunned by his W ability, he has the potential to come back out of battle unharmed. That’s why you need to stay away from W as much as possible.
  • Although Viktor isn’t very strong in the early phase, he starts to get stronger from the middle phase. So don’t be fooled by playing comfortably in the early stages.

Viktor in lane stage likes to dominate a character. It is useful to play carefully, especially since the W ability can take you out of your safe zone. Eating haras from a distance for a long time will make the lane difficult, as his Q ability not only hits but also shields himself after hitting you. Viktor isn’t the type to show much power in the early stages. So don’t be fooled by playing comfortably in the early stages. Towards the middle stages of the game, Viktor is quite starting to get stronger. That’s why it’s good to be more alert after a while.

Victor, the scientist of Zaun who rules the machines, is our LoL champion we’re talking about today. We tried to convey the talents of Viktor in the most transparent way. At the same time, we tried to explain how this character is played and how you should play against it, as well as its strengths and weaknesses, as clearly as possible. Although he has a somewhat sad story, he still lives up to his glory in Summoner’s Valley. So which is your favorite LoL’ character? Do not forget to share your ideas and opinions with us in the comments.

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