LoL Tristana CT(Counter), Abilities, Strong Weak Traits

Tristana, one of the characters of the Yordle race who tries to do things bigger than her height, descends into the Summoner’s Valley with her cannon. One of the most aggressive among attack power carriers, Tristana is a character that deserves the nickname Hyper Carry. That’s why we decided to examine the CT’s (Counters), abilities, strengths and weaknesses of our friend, who is small in size but big in heart, as much as we can.

Hyper CarryIn the simplest terms, it is a nickname given to characters that are difficult to stop in the late stages of the game. Tristana He is one of the most deserving characters of this nickname. The damage she has from the mid-game is really high and her abilities are quite suitable for playing aggressively, making Tristana much more dangerous. Of course, although the character is aggressive, it brings with it the danger of aggressive playstyle. Especially if you are playing alone, there may be situations where you pay the price for your aggression.

Despite being aggressive, Tristana is very comfortable defensively and can use her abilities for both aggressive and defensive purposes. Of course, although the situation in which you will use the abilities differs, it is possible to play a comfortable game in both ways. Since we have given these little details about Tristana, this “Hyper Carry” is our friend. their abilities, their CT (Counter), strong and weak features we can examine.

Tristana CT, her abilities and features, gameplay tips:

Tristana CTs: Characters who are strong against Tristana – their counter

  • varus
  • veigar
  • ziggs
  • Samira
  • xayah

Tristana is a very aggressive attack power carrier. But against this aggression able to defend characters can cause trouble for Tristana. A simple example of this is Samira blocking abilities or Xayah being untargetable via her ultimate. In the early part of the game in the lane phase, Tristana is not a very dominant character. As it is in the interest of exhibiting an aggressive game, it is very rapid death may result in. Therefore, characters with high potential to harass and poke from afar can be a challenge for Tristana in the early stages of the game.

All the abilities of Tristana the Yordle Gunner:

All of Tristana's talents

  • Passive / Eye, Sight, Shallot: Tristana’s attack range increases as she levels up.
  • Q / Rapid Fire: Tristana fires her weapon rapidly, increasing her attack speed for a short time.
  • W / Rocket Jump: Tristana shoots down at the ground, launching herself to a distant location. When it lands, it deals damage to surrounding units and causes them to be slowed for a short time.
  • E / Explosive Charge: When Tristana kills a unit, the cannonballs scatter into shrapnel, damaging nearby enemies. Activated, it can be used to place a bomb on the targeted enemy that will explode after a short time, damaging nearby units.
  • R / Shot Put: Tristana loads her gun with a huge cannonball and fires at an opposing unit. This shot deals magic damage and knocks the target back.

Hyper Carry Tristana’s strengths and weaknesses:

Tristana's strengths and weaknesses

Tristana’s strengths:

  • Although he is a carrier of attack power, he is strong in displaying aggressive play.
  • Having unstoppable damage late in the game
  • Ability to use both defensively and offensively

Tristana is definitely a strong character when it comes to aggressive play. Both of their abilities defensive as well as aggressive The fact that it is suitable to perform a play makes this situation even more a reinforcing factor. When played correctly, he can use W frequently, allowing him to exit or re-enter a battle despite playing aggressively. From the middle stages of the game, Tristana starts to shine quite nicely. In addition, when the game reaches its late stages, Tristana becomes a very difficult character to get ahead of.

Tristana’s weak features:

  • Like many attack power carriers, Tristana is vulnerable to crowd control.
  • The high potential to result in the death of aggressive play in the early stage
  • Although it is an attack power carrier, it is difficult to respond to characters that can harass from a distance.

After a while, Tristana officially changed the game. like an assassin playing. You can jump on the man’s head and kill him and exit the war as if nothing happened. Although this is due to the character having an aggressive talent pool, it is quite possible that such aggression in the early stages will result in his death. Of course, like many characters, Tristana very weak against crowd control. Considering his aggression, this situation becomes even more dangerous. In addition to this, since the character’s thing is to inflict damage in an instant. able to harvest from afar It can be a lot of trouble for the characters.

How to play Tristana in LoL?

How to play Tristana in LoL?

  • Resetting Tristana’s W cooldown is pretty important
  • Remember that you can use your abilities both defensively and offensively.
  • Aggressive play is a strong trait of Tristana. But in the meantime, be careful.

Tristana’s skills are well suited for both defensive and aggressive play. Especially when playing aggressively, making moves to reset W’s cooldown will make things a lot easier (exploding E on the opponent with full charge or killing an opponent will increase your W ability. will reset the cooldown). Playing aggressively is a strong character trait, but when you get aggressive stay among competitors Since there is such a situation, it is useful to think carefully about the moves you will make.

How to play against Tristana, how to beat Tristana?

How to play against Tristana?

  • Tristana is a character who cannot easily respond to harass from afar. make good use of it
  • Playing aggressively is easy for Tristana. So always be prepared
  • Tristana has many defensive abilities such as jumping from her W ability or pushing you with her ultimate ability. That’s why crowd control is the most effective method.

Since Tristana is more prone to assassin-like gameplay, she’s more into characters with the potential to harass from afar. not very easy to answer. Playing aggressively is easy for Tristana. Therefore, it will be beneficial for you in the lane phase to think and play as if Tristana is going to jump on you at any moment. Tristana has many defensive abilities, like her W ability to jump or her R ability to push her enemies. Therefore, it can be a little difficult to catch during the corridor. If the solution is to kill to mass control will focus.

Yordle Gunner Tristana, one of the League of Legends characters, was the subject of this article. We examined Tristana’s CTs, abilities, strengths and weaknesses as much as we could and expressed our humble opinions through these reviews. So who is your favorite LoL champion? Do not forget to share your ideas and opinions with us in the comments.


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