Lol Elise CT (Counter), Abilities, Strong Weak Traits

Elise, the Spider Queen of League of Legends, is coming to weave her webs into the summoner valley. Elise, one of the popular talent power characters of the jungler role, is the subject of this article. We decided to examine Elise’s CTs (Counters), abilities, strengths and weaknesses.

The jungler role is quite a variable role. With any balancing or change made in League of Legends, very unrelated characters can become junglers, or the role of a character played as a jungler for a long time can suddenly change. However, Elise is one of the characters that keeps its place very well in this regard. Although it was tried in places such as mid lane and top lane when it first came out, given up too quickly and he came as a forester and remained a forester.

Elise, one of the characters that should definitely not be underestimated in terms of ability power, can surprise you in 1v1 battles with instant damage. Although he doesn’t show this much in the early stages, the damage he inflicts after finishing 2 items on average definitely manages to show itself throughout the game. For this reason, we have this dangerous but also fun jungle. their abilities, their CT (Counter), strengths and weaknesses We decided to take a look.

Elise CTs: Strong counters against Elise

  • Warwick
  • vi
  • Shyvana
  • Shaco
  • Zac

Elise’s instant damage very high we talked about. In general, 1-on-1 battles Elise is quite strong, but characters with the potential to fight for a long time can cause difficulties for Elise. In addition, although our character is not as fragile as a wizard, he can be fragile because he has wizard features. That’s why Vi or Shaco-style characters can gain an edge over Elise. The situation against tank characters is not much of a problem in the early stages, but your opponent’s magic resistance items As a result of the purchase, there may be problems in the later stages of the game.

All of Spider Queen Elise’s abilities:

All of Elise's abilities

  • Passive / Spider Queen: Human Form: Elise’s abilities grant her a dormant spiderling when it hits an enemy. Spider Form: Basic attacks deal bonus magic damage and grant Elise’s health regen.
  • Q / Neurotoxin / Venomous Bite: Human Form: Deals damage proportionally to the higher the opponent’s health. Spider Form: Dashes towards the enemy and deals damage proportional to how low their health is.
  • W / Suicide Spider / Arthropod Invasion: Human Form: Releases a venom-filled spiderling that explodes on approach. Spider Form: With Elise, spiderlings’ attack speed is increased.
  • E / Cocoon / Spider Landing: Human Form: Stuns the first enemy unit hit and reveals unconcealed ones. Spider Form: Elise, along with her spiderlings, leaps into the air and falls on the targeted enemy. After falling on an enemy target, Elise’s bonus damage and healing from Spider Queen are increased.
  • R / Spider Form: Elise turns into a scary spider. Attack range is reduced and instead gains movement speed. He gains new abilities, and a swarm of spiderlings attacks his opponents.

Sly Koza Elise’s strengths and weaknesses:

Elise's strengths and weaknesses

Elise’s strengths:

  • The ability to clear jungle camps very quickly with little damage
  • Having high raid potential and being strong in raiding
  • High instant damage

With the return of her talents, Elise has made the forest camps quite a lot. fast and without too much damage a reversible character. In addition, the fact that he has the Cocoon ability and can approach his opponent very comfortably and safely with his E skill greatly increases the character’s raiding potential. The level of instant damage she has is quite remarkable and she makes Elise for the opposing team. threatening can raise it to a higher level.

Elise’s weak features:

  • Very weak against crowd control
  • Although the character is not exactly a mage, it is quite fragile
  • May have trouble dealing with damage in the early stages until he’s bought a few major items

Crowd control is one of the most dangerous and critical skill types in League of Legends. Many characters in the game are against crowd control in poor condition and Elise to these characters no exception Unfortunately. Although he is very strong in damage, even in instant damage, he is a character with wizard features, so it comes as a bonus as well as fragility. In addition, although it is not a big problem, in the very early stages of the game, its damage can be a problem if you fight until a few items are released.

How to play Elise in LoL?

How to play Elise in LoL?

  • Accuracy of your E in human form is very important
  • Watch out for both offensive and defensive use of your E in spider form
  • Use both spider and human form abilities with a certain rotation instead of playing in just one form

The most basic way to make a successful raid while playing Elise is to use your human form E ability. The cocoon is about using your talent well.. If your cocoon is accurate, your raid will most likely be successful. Your E ability in spider form, Spider Descent, can be used both defensively and offensively. Aside from using this ability to chase down opponents, you can stay in the air for a certain amount of time while evading an enemy, or land towards any existing enemy unit away from the enemy. Instead of playing in just one form, you’ll constantly switch between both the spider and human form, as you’ll have the chance to use your abilities more efficiently. sustained damage could have potential.

How to play against Elise, how to beat Elise?

How to play against Elise?

  • It’s good to be careful with Elise’s most basic ability, the Cocoon ability she uses when starting the raid.
  • When Elise is in her spider form, she can close the distance between you and Spider landing very quickly. So be careful not to play alone when you notice
  • Elise is very powerful in 1v1 battles and can inflict high damage in a very short time. That’s why it’s necessary to play carefully, especially against Elise, who has a few completed items.

The first thing you should generally pay attention to when being raided by Elise is Elise’s Cocoon ability. If you manage to avoid this ability, it will generally give you will stop attacking or take the form of a spider an aggressive attitude will display. In this case, it is possible to be thrown at you with Spider Landing. This ability is unlikely to be avoided, so as long as you can playing alongside your teammates It will make your battle easier. We recommend that you do not underestimate his damage, as the strength of the character is usually 1v1 battles. He can easily take out attack power carriers with an assassin air, especially in the late game.

That was our opinion of the Spider Queen. We tried to give information about Elise’s talents, CTs, strengths and weaknesses as much as we could. So who is your favorite LoL champion? Do not forget to indicate your ideas and opinions in the comments.

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