Lol Caitlyn CT(Counter), Abilities, Strong Weak Traits

Caitlyn, a member of Piltover’s police force, descends into Summoner’s Valley with her sniper rifle. One of the bottom lane’s most basic attack carriers, Caitlyn has been popular in League of Legends for a long time. That’s why we decided to take a closer look at Caitlyn’s CTs (Counters), abilities, strengths and weaknesses.

Despite being one of the main characters “classic is always good” We can say that Caitlyn is the embodiment of the word for Caitlyn. Our character’s abilities are as simple and far from complex as possible (of course, by simple we mean that the abilities are understandable). All of his abilities fulfill his duties properly and the result is a simple yet fun and powerful character to play.

Of course, as with many characters, there are situations where Caitlyn takes on a complex in herself. We can say that using traps with W ability strategically is the biggest challenge of the character. But at the core, once you get used to it, Caitlyn is a really comfortable character to play. Now that we’ve talked about the little details about Caitlyn, now we’re talking about our character’s abilities, their CTs, strong and weak features we can examine.

Caitlyn CTs: Strong counters to Caitlyn:

  • veigar
  • Tristana
  • ziggs
  • Twitch
  • Kog’Maw

Caitlyn has a high range compared to most attack power carriers, and her abilities in general using range correctly and protecting her based on. Therefore, characters who can play outside this range or who can easily enter the distance can be quite a problem for Caitlyn in the corridor phase, although not throughout the game. A very simple example of this is that sorcerer characters have been playing as attack power carriers in the bottom lane for a while.

All of Master Sniper Caitlyn’s abilities:

All of Caitlyn's abilities

  • Passive / Full Head: Every few basic attacks or when attacking targets caught in a trap or net, Caitlyn hits her target Full Head. Headshots deal bonus damage proportional to the critical strike chance on the target. Caitlyn’s Headshot range is doubled against enemies trapped or netted
  • Q / Piltover Weapon: Caitlyn cocks her weapon for 1 second, firing a shot that deals physical damage and pierces those in front of her. (Does less damage to targets after the first target.)
  • W/Yordle Trap: Caitlyn sets up a trap to catch the elusive yordles. The trap reveals and immobilizes an enemy champion that steps on it for 1.5 seconds. Also gives Caitlyn an empowered Headshot.
  • E / 90 Caliber Mesh: Caitlyn throws a heavy net that slows her target, and as she throws the net, her rifle recoils, knocking Caitlyn back.
  • R / Last Trump: Caitlyn patiently takes aim for a perfect shot, dealing massive damage to a single target at exceptional range. Enemy champions can jump in front of the bullet to protect their teammates.

Piltover Sheriff Caitlyn’s strengths and weaknesses:

Caitlyn's strengths and weaknesses

Caitlyn’s strengths:

  • Having a very long range
  • Ability to attack an opponent from a very large distance with his ultimate ability
  • Very high crit damage with passive

Caitlyn is truly a with a sniper a character played. It’s true that there are many attack power carriers, but Caitlyn is specifically a character who can’t fight comfortably at close range. In addition to being far from his own range, the ability to use his ultimate ability on any target from a very long distance supports the sniper feature of the character. In addition, thanks to the feature from his passive, his critical damage in the correct use of abilities, especially in the late stages of the game. it can be very deadly.

Caitlyn’s weak features:

  • Vulnerable to crowd control like many attack power carriers
  • Being at a disadvantage against characters who can close the distance or are strong in mobility
  • Ability to block an opposing player other than his target

Unfortunately, Caitlyn is not a character that is strong against crowd control, like many attack power carriers and even many League of Legends characters. Since our character is strong side range, about closing distance or on mobility a strong character can be a real nuisance for Caitlyn. In addition, although his ultimate ability is ideal for safely hunting an opponent from a long distance, if another opponent passes in front of his target opponent, he can very simply block this ability.

How to play Caitlyn in LoL?

How to play Caitlyn?

  • Proper use of your W is important throughout the game, including the laning phase.
  • While your E skill is quite strong for defensive purposes, it is quite ideal for displaying an aggressive game.
  • Choosing targets that opponents can’t easily block while using your ultimate will increase the chance of your ability to hit successfully.

Caitlyn’s traps are a game-wide ability. Because it can use traps more than once strategically place areas where the opponent can play comfortably will narrow like you and your team large scale and comfortable will make it play. While it is an ideal ability to use E for defensive purposes, it is also possible to use the ability in the opposite direction and display an aggressive game against the opponent (of course, this aggressive game also comes with its benefits). While using your ultimate ability, choosing targets that your opponents cannot easily avoid or block will increase the accuracy of the ability quite a lot.

How to play against Caitlyn, how to beat Caitlyn?

How to play against Caitlyn?

  • Caitlyn’s traps are particularly dangerous in the hands of someone who knows. It’s good to see where you’re going.
  • Caitlyn’s ultimate can be easily blocked, so it’s a good idea to be with your teammates when you’re low on health.
  • Try to avoid E and W as much as you can, as Caitlyn’s passive causes her to deal some pretty strong damage.

Caitlyn’s traps are a dangerous skill throughout the game. Aside from revealing your place when you press the trap, you stay still for a while in the late stages of the game. your sudden death may result in. While Caitlyn’s ultimate does a lot of free damage, she’s just as easy to block. We don’t recommend staying too far away from your teammates, especially if you survived the battle with little vigour. Caitlyn’s passive ability Headshot causes Caitlyn’s next hit to deal a massive amount of damage. Apart from his own attacks, he also has E and W abilities. activates this passive Try to avoid abilities as much as you can.

One of the League of Legends characters, Piltover Sheriff Caitlyn, was the subject of this article. We examined Caitlyn’s CTs, abilities, strengths and weaknesses as much as we could and expressed our own humble opinions through these reviews. So who is your favorite LoL champion? Do not forget to share your ideas and opinions with us in the comments.

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