‘Life’s Difficulty’ Frame Selected Photo of the Year

This year’s winning frames have been announced at the Siena International Photography Awards, one of the world’s most prestigious photography competitions. An impressive frame shot by photographer Mehmet Aslan won the ‘Photo of the Year’ award in the competition.

In photography competitions, we come across different types of photographs in different categories. While some frames receive awards for capturing a great angle in the category, some frames are the best with their impressive stories and feel. This year, at the Siena International Photography Awards, one of the most prestigious photography competitions in the world,Photo of the Year‘ The selected frame is one of the frames that influences with its story.

The name of the photo frame that belongs to photographer Mehmet Aslan and includes a father and son ‘Hardship of life‘ (Life’s Challenge). The story of this father and son, who seems quite happy but shows the scars of the war in all their nakedness, is the kind that helps us understand the name of the photograph better.

The father lost his leg due to a bomb, and the son because of ‘sarin gas’:

The name of the father in the photo is Munzir. The story of Munzir’s son Mustafa, who lost his right leg due to a bomb exploding while walking in a market in Iblid, Syria, is even more impressive. Mustafa, as a side effect of the drugs he used due to the ‘sarin gas’ that his mother Zeynep was exposed to. born without arms and legs. This syndrome, called Tetra-amelia syndrome, caught Mustafa while he was still in the womb.


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This moment of father and son smiling at each other despite all the difficulties that life has brought them. immortalizing photographer Mehmet Aslan won the ‘Photo of the Year’ award with this shot.

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