Let’s take those who are confident in Turkish to this test!

We have brought many Turkish tests to you so far. Some were very easy, some were at an intermediate level. However, we saw in the comments that there are people who expect worse!

“It was very easy.” especially those who say Confident people in Turkish We have compiled the most difficult ones for you, from words to punctuation marks, from idioms to compound words.

Get your test result now curiously we are waiting.

We start with the easiest punctuation mark of the test. Which of the following options uses punctuation correctly?

A) Like the sky reaping the crop!.. Before the ears are full. How was it evening?

B) Like the sky reaps its crops! Before the ears are full. How was it evening?

C) Like the sky reaping the crop!… Before the ears are full. How was it evening?…


In which one is the time written correctly?

A) At 15.00

B) at 15:00

C) at 15.00

D) at 15:00


In which option are all the words written correctly?

spelling test

A) Spare wheel, silhouette, surname

B) Tangle, incubator, humble, all

C) Surname, present, butter, prose

D) Plain text, humble, Arabic hair, amphitheatre


In which option is punctuation used incorrectly?

A) What is the beginning date of the Middle Ages?

B) Türkiye, England; Ankara, London

C) I graduated from Uludağ University.

D) My dear Ayşe


In which one is the circumflex sign used correctly?

spelling rules test

A) Residence

B) Hakkari

C) Financial

D) Not taking the castle


In which option is the line break division based on syllable structure correct?

A) Ka-ra-os-man-son

B) il-kok-ul

C) ba-şöğ-ret-men

D) tundra


In which option should an apostrophe be used?

A) Ahmetler

B) Kemalism

C) in Turkish

D) Our Turkey


Which abbreviation is correct? Look carefully!

A) p. ——- page

B) sec. ———– Dear

C) Bn. ——— major

D) cr. ———compare


Which of the letters’ codes in the Turkish alphabet are wrong?

punctuation test

A) A —- Adana

B) B —- Bursa

C) S—- Sinop

D) İ —- Izmir


And our last question. Which option has no spelling mistakes?

A) I went to my sister Merve.

B) Shall we watch the moonlight with you?

C) There are gods of smuggling in America.

D) The sun comes into my eyes.


How many questions did you get right in 10 questions?

You can continue to improve yourself with these Turkish contents:


When You Learn the Truth, You Will Want to Reset Yourself! Here Are Our Most Frequently Misused Idioms and Proverbs


Words whose meanings change with just 1 letter in Turkish: You May Say Parallel When You Mean Humble


When You Learn These 20 Words Translated from Turkish to English, You Ask “Come on, Is That Even?” you will say


How many times can you do in this spelling test that even those who say “I am like the Turkish Language Association of WhatsApp Groups” cannot know everything?


It’s Impossible to Get 20 out of 20 in This Test, Where Even Those Who Say “I’m Obsessed with Spelling Rules” Will Stumble!


You will understand the Verb Roof, which is one of the confusing subjects in Turkish, in a short time with the Explanation and Tips.

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