Latest Updates on CoinEx Hot Wallet Hack

12 Sepul CoinEx at 16:20‘s risk control system, BorsamIziçin varlIclearI hiding çtosdog sIcak cuabnormal attack on prisonsIrI‘s detected. This summerIalso hackedIrIsecIn separateIntIsIquestionsturma suour honor, guvenlik heOur precautions, useIcIwhat happened to laraglIllightmIz and future heWe are talking about our priorities.

IInitial findings indicate that the main cause issmake things easierstIriver için your stock marketIThere are nIclearInI geçs that stores internallyIcak cuto the zdanlarheWhat do you get?çstartleds oprivate keysspoints. The exact causes are still being investigated. attackIrIwhat aboutIAs t, our teams have been working for the last 48 hours.çinde hIzla a series of emergencies hetook precautionsI:

one. Tum yachtIrma and çoctober islove the worldIeither take itIn.d.I and SIcak cuImmediate shutdown of zdan serverIldI.
2. soguk storageI guvence bottomIwhat to getçremaining assetsIClark was transferred.
3. new cuRebuild the database systemswas installed and put into operation.
4. CoinEx cuzdan team and gusafety team leadergattacked inIrIeither provinceskin meticulous questionsturmalar baslatIldI.
5. IRelated assetsIclearIn freezingI Içnowgmessage with exchangesscome to meçwas.

Our Founder and CEObanana in Haipo Yangspersonal Twitter accountı uuse affected byIcIlara heard about the incidentguiçskin uzuntuyu expressed. apartIThe services of the ca team will be resumed immediately.sto passçof hewith zen çgetworkas long as the yeast continuesginin shezunu and useIcI fundsInIn will not be affectedgg about your lairuHe gave assurance.

Communities in 15 languagesImIUse it by collecting feedback from yourselfIcIsImIzIn çreactivate planting servicesraising, çgetIhave faithIclearIn compensation and guwell-being plansImIzIconcern about the progress ofse heardgflour is completely differentIndayIz. Therefore you tooguse it wiselyIcIsImIza full stransparentIshort timegmak nameIwhat aboutsWe would like to address them one by one:

Services and Operations

HEnumunext week cuzdan yucomplete your upgradesI we aim forIfrom sIkI gupass security checksçafter the tick çoctober isprocesses graduallysamalI reboot asslatIIt will happen. Our team sCurrently 211 chains and 737 assetsIthatçactivities inheto clearçin completely new and newgjust a cucreate a wallet systemsturmaya and dağıfocus on keepingItiring.

Ürun groupsImIzIn each with its own risk control system.ğımsIas z çgetworktlightfrom CoinExin basig coming touvenlik eventI digIt will not affect its soldiers. L.utfen CoinExnowger urun and will be able to continue using its services.gMake sure you are.

KayIPayments and Compensations

Total loss resulting from the incidentIplar hâlâ calculateItiring. Sestimated loss as of nowIcome closersik 70 million US dollarsIDIr. However, this is the total assetIclearImIzIn aloneIzca ktipk one kIsmInI represents.

Affected tuuse mIcI100% compensation to hesaygWe solemnly commit ourselvesuWe do.

Coin basina hespecial hedon’t say plansI pleasureIrlIWe tire and separateIntIsI share latersacağız.

gusafety and protection

Ssect at the momenther partnersI and es by coordinating with stock exchangesuzdan system yuto increase, to shiftIplarI calculation and related ThisFocus on freezing suspicious addressesIWe are tired.

CgetIhave faithIklara provincesgrudge compensation plansIRegarding sat this momentçbecome cowssWe are traveling. Compensation, coin basiwhat’s upgwill be separated and separatedIntIofficial announcements laterImIwould be included in theIr.

HEnumuThe Path Within: ComesIs its guVenlik and Endustri Worktroops

Iforward dhenug as kusafety and risk yhefurther improve our management systemsstirecegavoid traces and unexpected situationssi pleasureIrlIklIllightmIzI and muimprove our skillssto cultivateçin CoinEx Gusecurity fundI will woo youğız. gusecurity companiesI and secther partnersIyla isacegWhile doing this, widers crypto endustrisin gusecuritysacegini gflyto facilitate and co-operateglIklIstableI and Surdurua mortal get upInma environmentI comesto raise çağırIWe are tired.

Finally, collectivegbunch of flourgi and understandheat Için içskin ThiskingsImIzI We would like to present. latest guupdates forçin lutfen pictureI social media accountsImIza, community platformsImIza and website announcementsImIza ghez atIn. Sureç rightIat the momentIwill continue to provide information ongtrace.

For exclusive news, analysis and on-chain data Telegram our group, twitter our account and YouTube Follow our channel now! Moreover Android And iOS Start live price monitoring now by downloading our applications!

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