Landscape Class Used for Communication in the Ottoman Empire

One of the fundamental elements of the Ottoman Empire’s survival for centuries was that it had an effective communication network. “Peyks”, an important link in this communication system, not only delivered news but also played a symbolic role representing the power and unity of the empire.

Their duties are just Slopes that are not limited to runningIn fact, they were part of a strong and impressive tradition that brought together many features that formed the backbone of the Ottoman Empire.

A far cry from today’s shipping system. planet classaccording to sources, they were running at least 25-30 leagues a day, that is, 140-170 km!

The communication network of the Ottoman Empire has a rich history bearing the traces of many civilizations.

From the Ilkhanid and Seljuk periods This network has roots that extend from Anatolian principalities to the Ottoman Empire. The Peykler class, which is a part of this deep-rooted tradition and one of the most important news carriers of the Ottoman Empire, stands out not only as a fast means of communication, but also with its reliability.

Peyks, Ottoman the backbone of the communication system It was one of the elements that created it. This special unit, which was closest to the sultan, not only conveyed official news but also took part in important tasks such as gathering intelligence.

In addition to delivering news quickly and reliably to every corner of the state, they also conveyed the sultan’s orders.

planet class

The physical characteristics of the satellites are described as big and strong in many people’s minds. But the situation is much different than that. their features They were quite agile. They had enough agility to overcome all kinds of obstacles by going through tough training.

They were such fast runners that It is a known fact that they conveyed news faster than even the horse-drawn Tatars.. Because they were trained to have these features, they also carried axes called ‘halberd’ with them against any bad surprises they might encounter on the road.

The rattles they tied to their belts were heralds of their arrival.

planet class

If it passes through a community, this loud rattle acts like a horn; He would make sure he was given way. Even stranger, they use it to regulate their breathing and prevent their spleens from swelling while running. They kept a perforated metal sphere in their mouths.

Of course, over time, this class has been abused, just like everything else. Wealthy people tend to acquire personal giftsThey began to torture them to make them run faster, and to replace those who were getting older and weaker with younger ones.

The people gave way when the bells sounded, and gradually turned into a class that no one cared about.

planet class

Because in the beginning it was just This class is dependent on the state, increasingly began to serve individuality. The tortures are quite ugly…

The word paykin already means “depending on someone else”. Since most of the people were poor, they were “servants” of the rich class at that time. This class, which has been used for postal and communication from time to time, It was abolished by a decree in 1829, Of course, although illegal uses still continued, this problem was completely eliminated with the postal organization established in 1840.

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