Keep Your Eyes On Bitcoin And These 2 Altcoins In 2022!

This year has been filled with many wins and losses, ups and downs, and most importantly, tremendous growth and development within the crypto community. We’ve seen meme coins evolve into high-value tokens and get a better look behind the scenes at how crypto can evolve. we too We provide an overview for our readers on Bitcoin, Ethereum and Cardano, which crypto analyst Khalisol sees as “the top 3 main tokens to consider as we head into the next year”, accompanied by the analyst’s assessments.

Leading crypto Bitcoin (BTC)

Bitcoin continues to lead with a market capitalization of $ 1,161 trillion. Bitcoin, the longest-running and largest cryptocurrency to date, has been at its peak since it first hit the market in 2009. According to the analyst, the numbers and statistics show you why it is a leader with a price, market cap and volume that is much higher than any other crypto option to invest in.

Bitcoin still represents around 43% of the cryptocurrency market cap, and with the Lightning Network optimization, many businesses are now starting to accept Bitcoin as payment. According to the analyst, this makes the old cryptocurrency eye-catching for future earnings. The company, like Visa, Tesla, Cash App, Home Depot, Microsoft and many more, has seen their names cross with Bitcoin in some of their activities this year. The analyst states that BTC shows tremendous potential to change the way we use money and makes the following assessment:

Even if you are a “maxi” in other tokens, you should at least keep an eye on Bitcoin. Because it looks like it will continue to carry on its legacy towards next year.

Bitcoin price chart / Source: TradingView

Leading altcoin Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum is the second largest cryptocurrency behind Bitcoin with a market cap of $510 billion. But it has practically been around for a long time and has had significant success recently with the advent of DeFi platforms and NFTs. Ethereum is more than just a token, it is a network that allows developers to create cryptocurrencies that result in a variety of successful Tier-2 platforms. The network went live in 2015 with an initial supply of 72 million tokens.


According to the analyst, Ethereum has been a powerhouse token used in decentralized finance, Non Fungible Token (NFT) generation and exchange, and many Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). Based on first come first serve, the analyst states that Ethereum has maintained this position for many years and has not given up on its top spot since then, commenting:

If you’re bullish on NFTs and DeFi, it’s not easy not to pay attention to Ethereum, especially as Ethereum 2.0 approaches.

Ethereum killer Cardano (ADA)

Cardano is a blockchain platform with a market capitalization of $66 billion and a much smaller carbon footprint than Bitcoin and Ethereum. It can facilitate peer-to-peer transactions with the built-in cryptocurrency ADA. Cardano was founded in 2015 by Ethereum co-founder Charles Hoskinson and currently ranks fifth in market cap behind Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Coin and stablecoin Tether.


According to the analyst, completing a transaction with Cardano requires less energy than a larger network like Bitcoin, making it particularly environmentally friendly. In addition, Cardano claims to be more adaptable and more secure, and is constantly working on development and new partnerships.

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