Keep These 3 Coins! Dogecoin to the Moon –

Elon Musk attended a Twitter Spaces session for FTX. Musk’s comments included FTX, FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried and Dogecoin (DOGE). Elon Musk excited the community by saying “Dogecoin to the Moon”. Here are the details…

Elon Musk talked about FTX As we have also reported, news of a hack attack on FTX has begun to emerge. Just a few hours after the hack began, Musk tweeted, “FTX meltdown/loot is being tracked in real time on Twitter.” He also responded to a post from crypto entrepreneur Sam Altman with a meme for former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried.

Now, Musk has joined a Twitter Spaces talk with over 60,000 listeners to discuss the FTX hack and share his thoughts on Bankman-Fried. Musk said, “Honestly, [SBF’in] I have never heard of his name” and used the following expressions:

But then there are a lot of people who tell me they have a huge amount of money they want to invest in the Twitter deal. And I talked to him for about half an hour. And I remember my bullshit meter crossed the red line. Like, this guy was bullshit – that was my impression. I said at the time, he was acting like he had billions of dollars, as if everybody was talking about him, including the big investment banks.

8 Altcoins to Watch While FED Fights Inflation!

Musk: There is a future for Dogecoin, Bitcoin and Ethereum

Musk also told his listeners that they should keep their crypto in cold wallets, not exchanges.
“Let me say again that if you have cryptocurrency, you should have it in a directly accessible cold wallet,” he said. He said it would be “wise” to keep funds in a cold wallet rather than an exchange. “It’s okay if you keep Bitcoin, Ethereum and Dogecoin in a cold wallet,” he said. Musk uses the following expressions:

I think there is probably a future for Bitcoin, Ethereum and DOGE. I can’t really talk about the others. But if you keep one of these three in a cold wallet, it works fine I guess.

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