June 5th Week to be Celebrated as ‘Turkey Environment Week’

A circular published in the Official Gazette with the signature of President Erdoğan showed the new decisions taken regarding the World Environment Day, June 5th. According to the circular, the week of June 5 will now be celebrated as ‘Turkey Environment Week’.

Many countries and companies around the world are taking steps towards sustainability against the elements that threaten the future of our planet and us, such as climate changes. Celebrated on June 5 every year since 1972 to raise awareness about the environment. World Enviroment Day is among the moves made in this regard.

Now, in today’s issue of the Official Gazette, it has been seen that new decisions have been taken on this issue. Published with the signature of President Erdoğan and containing the subject of ‘Turkey Environment Week’ circularHe stated that the week of June 5 will be celebrated as ‘Turkey Environment Week’.

Turkey Environment Week is expected to raise awareness

According to the statements, the week of June 5, which is celebrated as World Environment Day, will be held with a theme to be announced by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change. ‘Turkey Environment Week’ will be celebrated. The Presidential Circular also stated that this week will be celebrated to evaluate environmental problems and developments and to raise awareness.

In addition, in the circular published, the activities to be celebrated in Turkey Environment Week Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change It was noted that it will be carried out in accordance with the procedures and principles to be determined by the Presidency and will be carried out under the auspices of the Presidency. In addition, it was also among the statements that the expenses and all the needs of the events will be met by the relevant public institutions and organizations.


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Minister of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change Murat Institution In his statements on his official Twitter account, “The week of June 5th will be celebrated as ‘Turkey Environment Week’ every year in our heavenly homeland, the land of green and blue. We will protect our world and leave it green for our offspring” made statements.

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