Joe Biden’s Fart Is In The Language Of The Royal Family

US President Joe Biden ‘released’ during a reception, according to The Daily Mail. But just as this release is a release, Duchess Camilla spoke at length about this release of Biden.

Described as the world’s last chance, the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) started on Sunday last week in Glasgow, Scotland. until 12 November A total of 30,000 people are expected to attend the conference, which will continue. The conference also witnessed the speeches of world leaders to date.

One of the leaders who spoke at the climate summit was US President Joe Biden. Biden, who came to the agenda after falling asleep at the summit, was the subject of the news this time with his own natural gas emissions. Wife of British Crown Prince Charles speaking to The Daily Mail Camilla Parker BowlesHe stated that he was shocked by Biden’s gassing.

The Duchess talked about this for a long time:

At a reception earlier last week, US President Joe Biden, Prince Charles, his wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Prince William and Duchess of Cambridge met with Kate and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Camilla Parker Bowles during this meeting Joe Biden is gasping he noticed. One source even said that Biden’s emissions of methane are more than Camilla’s. that you don’t mind He described it as follows (How he released it now):

It was long and loud and impossible to ignore. Since then, Camilla has not stopped talking about it.

We condemn Joe Biden for damaging the ozone layer by farting at the climate summit.

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