It’s ‘Buy’ Time For This Altcoin!

Analysts from consulting giant Fool say an altcoin project that has gained 55% this year still has fuel.

Analysts pointed to historical opportunities for the leading altcoin

Ethereum (ETH) has entered the radar of Fool analysts in a recent article. The leading altcoin was one of the prominent performers in the first six months of 2023. It has now gained over 55% year-over-year and is trading for over $2,000. Ripple’s victory, which we quoted as a , made the prices skyrocket yesterday.

However, recently, Ethereum has been struggling to surpass the $2,000 price level. Just like Bitcoin is struggling to cross the $30,000 mark. But analysts say its strength in the DeFi and NFT fields has helped it achieve that.

Ethereum continues to lead the market

One of the key factors in Ethereum’s favor is that it remains the acknowledged market leader in almost every niche of the Blockchain and crypto world, from NFTs to DeFi to the metaverse and Web3. In part, this is due to Ethereum’s first mover advantage. Ethereum was the first to enter the market with innovations such as smart contracts. In addition, he did not give up, despite the arrival of many new competitors since then.

Take the NFT sector, for example. Ethereum created the NFT boom with groundbreaking collectibles like Bored Ape Yacht Club and CryptoPunks. These continue to be among the most valuable NFT collections in the world. The top 25 NFT collections are all based on Ethereum. While Bitcoin has had some success recently with the introduction of Ordinals, Ethereum still remains the top Blockchain in terms of NFT sales volume. Analysts, as a long-term investor, draw attention to this feature of ETH.

Past performance of technology upgrades

Another key factor in Ethereum’s favor is its strong track record in new technological upgrades. With each new upgrade, Ethereum remains one step ahead of the competition. For example, last year Ethereum switched from a mining to PoS. It was a show of technological strength, which some compared the level of difficulty to replacing an airplane’s engine in flight.

Ethereum shows no signs of giving up on these technological upgrades for its underlying blockchain infrastructure. In April, Shapella completed its upgrade, which makes Ethereum much more attractive for crypto staking. The next big upgrade, tentatively known as Dencun (a mix of “Cancun” and “Deneb”), is coming in Q4 2023. This upgrade will further increase Ethereum’s storage capacity, scalability, and efficiency. The target for the Ethereum blockchain is 100,000 transactions per second, which is far more than its primary competitors can deliver.

At the end of 2022, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin announced a comprehensive set of updates designed to transform Ethereum into “Ethereum 2.0”. Many of these upgrades are incredibly technologically risky. However, they are all designed to make Ethereum more attractive to users and developers alike. This detailed roadmap for future development gives me immense confidence that Ethereum is playing the long game here and not just instinctively reacting to volatile movements in the crypto market.

Important notices

Of course, investing in Ethereum is not an easy task. First of all, Ethereum has a large number of competitors, all vying to be an “Ethereum killer”. This means tremendous competition in areas like NFTs, DeFi, metaverse and Web3. Over time, Ethereum’s market share in each of these segments is likely to decline.

Also, while Ethereum’s technological upgrades are impressive, they are also extremely complex, time-consuming, and sometimes frustrating. Merge, for example, was fraught with a series of delays to the point where some investors questioned whether that would happen. However, it remains a volatile and speculative investment fraught with regulatory uncertainty. For example, any new crypto restrictions by the SEC could instantly halt Ethereum’s growth targets.

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However, analysts remain bullish on Ethereum’s future prospects. The altcoin has a best-in-class Blockchain, a clear competitive advantage, and plenty of diversity thanks to its prowess in a wide variety of Blockchain niches. Also, Ethereum has planned a number of new technology upgrades that will only make it better over time. All this makes analysts believe that you should buy Ethereum while it is still below $2,500. Even at this high price, Ethereum will still be around 50% below the ATH level. This shows that there is a lot of positive potential in the future.

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