It turns out that psychopaths and sadists like their coffee bitter

As a result of a new study, it has been revealed that there is a link between preferring coffee bitter and certain personality disorders. According to the research, those with psychopathic tendencies and sadists prefer coffee bitter.

Just as each valiant eats yogurt is different, everyone’s coffee drinking is also different. Whether you wake up in the morning and cannot wake up without drinking a cup of coffee, or those who drink at least three glasses a day; The way we prefer coffee may differ from person to person.

While some of us prefer our coffee light and creamy, some of us may prefer it with milk or ice. However, according to a newly published study, some people drink their coffee. bitter and plain There may be a reason behind their preference beyond preference.

There is a relationship between enjoying bitter tastes and being psychopathic.

Some may prefer plain and bitter coffee because it contains fewer calories, while others simply like its taste in this way; However, according to research published in the journal Appetite, those who prefer bitter and black coffee psychopath There’s also the possibility of it being. According to the results obtained in the research conducted on 1000 adult individuals, it is possible to love black coffee and psychopathic and sadistic tendencies there is a relationship between

Researchers from the University of Innsbruck, Austria, who asked respondents for their food and taste preferences, followed up with a series of antisocial personality traits that evaluated participants for such antisocial personality traits as sadism, narcissism, and psychopathy. personality test they did.

After examining the data they obtained, the researchers found that the preference for bitter tastes was associated with psychopathic behavioral characteristics. connected They concluded that it was. The closest link in the study was “everyday sadism,” which is the pleasure of inflicting moderate pain on other people, and pleasure in bitter tastes, such as black coffee. On the other hand, this link is not only for those who like plain coffee, but also for those who like the taste of radish, celery and tonic water. is valid was recorded.

So does this mean that your liking for bitter tastes means you’re a psychopath?

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Of course, this is definitely proof that you prefer your coffee bitter or enjoy more bitter tastes in general, proof that you are a psychopath. it doesn’t mean. The results of the research show that people with more such tendencies like more bitter tastes. So if you don’t show any of the personality disorders mentioned above NoJust because you prefer your coffee bitter doesn’t mean you’re a psychopath.


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In addition, the researchers of the project, Christina Sagioglu and Tobias Greitemeyer, chronic that it is possible to become a hostile personalities that he can develop.

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