It is claimed that Elon Musk may leave Tesla

An important statement about Elon Musk came from Tesla Chairman Robyn Denholm. Denholm said that Elon Musk could leave the company if the $55 billion deal package is not approved.

Billionaire businessman Elon Musk has recently announced that he will buy from Tesla. 55 billion dollars is on the agenda with the income package. Investors took the incident to court, stating that this would be an unfair gain. The court, which announced its decision last week, cancellation of the agreement decided.

Now, there has been a new development regarding this issue. Tesla Chairman of the Board Robyn Denholmpublished a new open letter through the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). In this letter addressed to investors, Elon Musk He may leave Tesla was expressed.

Elon Musk remains silent

Robyn Denholm stated that the agreement in question was made in 2018 and that Tesla has been operating since then. how much you’ve grown reminded once again. Underlining how important a name Elon Musk is for Tesla, Denholm said that if the deal is rejected, Elon Musk’s you can walk away from the company told. Elon Musk has not yet made any statement on the subject.


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The court’s annulment of the agreement between Elon Musk and Tesla to be put to vote once again caused. Investors, understandably, will not approve this agreement. As such, Elon Musk will not be able to get the money he deserved from Tesla in the past. This being the case, the billionaire businessman’s departure from Tesla It won’t surprise anyone.

Elon Musk accused Tesla of not keeping its promise:


Elon Musk’s 55 Billion Dollar Salary Agreement with Tesla Disturbed Investors: Statement from Musk Was Not Delayed

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