Is It Possible to Count the Hairs on Our Head?

Let’s do something crazy and start counting our hair! It sounds a little crazy at first, but those who are good with numbers sometimes can’t help but wonder.

Well, if we really start this business, we need to count every hair strand. Is it possible?

A little complicated It will be a job, but let’s explain the details for those who are curious.

How many strands of hair do we have?

In a person’s head about 100 thousand to 150 thousand There is a strand of hair in between. This means an average of 124 to 200 hairs per square centimeter. But the numbers; person genetic structure, It varies depending on your hormones, hair type, medications you use, your general health, and even your hair color.

What are the factors that change the number of hair strands?

Discrimination between men and women begins. of men 80 thousand to 150 thousand For women, this number is between 70 thousand and 120 thousand.

Let’s talk about hair color. Black hair 100 thousand, Blonde hair contains 150 thousand strands, brown hair contains 110 thousand strands, and red hair contains an average of 90 thousand strands. Caucasians and Africans have the most hair. People of East Asian descent also have the least amount of hair.

How easy is it to count hair?

It is not easy at all because our hair strands are very thin and very close to each other. Walking through our hair and counting each one one by one, patience and time It would be a demanding job. Moreover, the hair is constantly falls off and grows again During the counting process, the number of your hairs changes constantly, so it is not possible to find the correct number.

Of course, technology can help at this point, too.

Nowadays, there are some technological methods for counting hair. trichogram With a method called hair strands in a certain area of ​​the hair are examined under a microscope and an estimate is made.

If you go and see someone generally doesn’t use the method to have their hair counted, but especially hair loss It is the primary choice for people living with hair density and treatment method.

Is it necessary?

hair loss

We know that counting our hair will not do us any good, but for those who have serious problems with their hair health, the number or density of hair It might be useful to know. For this, you can get professional help instead of sitting and counting one by one.

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