Investors Aren’t Selling These 2 Altcoin Projects Even In Collapse!

A top crypto analytics firm says that despite the recent price drop in the market, traders continue to hold Cardano (ADA) and Chainlink (LINK). The company provides important data for these 2 altcoin projects. We have compiled the details for you, let’s examine the subject together…

IntoTheBlock: Despite the drop, investors are not giving up on this altcoin project!

According to a tweet from market intelligence firm IntoTheBlock, ADA investors were not discouraged even after the smart contract platform dropped nearly 73% from its all-time high of $3.09 set in early September. IntoTheBlock makes the following statements on the subject:

Regardless of the price action, Cardano’s holders remain strong. Balance held by HODLERS, addresses holding more than 1 year, at multi-year high. These HOLDERS have increased their positions to 10.12 ADA, the largest balance since December 11, 2019.

IntoTheBlock: Chainlink investors are hesitant to drop their LINK!

At the time of writing, Cardano is trading at $0.90, down about 17% from its price a week ago. IntoTheBlock says Chainlink investors are also hesitant to leave their LINK despite the huge downtrend. IntoTheBlock makes the following statements on the subject:

The number of LINK holders is constantly reaching new heights. 279,440 addresses have held Chainlink for over a year. They represent 43.9% of the total owner composition.

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