Investments in Cryptocurrency Startups Could Drop in Half -Morgan Stanley

A report by Morgan Stanley predicts that investments in startups in the cryptocurrency sector will decline.

According to a report released by Morgan Stanley today, although the market has declined recently, crypto money initiatives have been around for the past year. record amount investment has been made. This number in the report 30 billion dollars level is stated.

investment mobility, especially in December 2021 intensified in future periods may not be invested as much as last year is being considered.

According to the Morgan Stanley team, if a similar trend is seen in the cryptocurrency industry, the total amount of investment in startups will be made by the end of this year. Up to 50% reduction can show.

In the last year, crypto/blockchain start-ups and small-scale enterprises in this field have a total of More than 1,800 investment deals presumed to be signed.

According to the Morgan Stanley team, both the record set last year dollar liquidity as well as cryptocurrency prices has a share in the increase.

Individuals and institutions investing in these companies, especially at the beginning of 2020, infrastructure technologies He was focusing on the projects he was working on. This focus is from late 2020 to mid-2021. decentralized finance appsif from the end of 2021 non-fungible token and gaming enrolled in projects.

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