Investment Tips for Bitcoin and Altcoins from Binance CEO!

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao, with an estimated fortune of $96 billion, attended a live event to talk about various topics related to Bitcoin, the altcoin industry, and Blockchain technology. At the event, he drew attention to some items that are clues to those who will invest. We are giving the details as…

Bitcoin and altcoin investment advice from Changpeng Zhao

Binance CEO Zhao, one of the richest people in the cryptocurrency space, gave various comments on the market and gave investment advice at the ODDO BHF event he attended. The billionaire also touched on topics such as NFT, the metaverse, web 3.0, decentralized finance (DeFi), government regulation, and Binance plans. Zhao’s recommendations for investment are as follows:

  • Zhao recommended that people enter the crypto space with little money, allocating less than 1 percent of their money to get to know the crypto market and understand how the technology works.
  • The Binance CEO also recommended that people learn by doing their own research and not invest in projects just to be guided by a friend or social media influencer.
  • He points out that the fewer projects to invest in, the better, according to CZ. In this way, he thinks that the investor can better understand what he is doing.

Binance CEO stated that both web 3 and metaverse are two terms that still do not have a precise meaning. In other words, he mentioned that there is still no consensus on their definition. CZ says web 3.0 is a decentralized internet with more rights for users, especially with more use cases with financial integration. By addressing regulatory issues, Zhao reaffirmed that they are a good fit for the industry. CZ stated that he wants to establish one exchange in each country.

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