Interesting fast charging claim about iPhone 14!

Apple, one of the first companies that comes to mind when the technology ecosystem is mentioned, wants to bring new members to this ecosystem by making an important event today. On the one hand, while the work for these products continues, a claim was made about the flagship phone of the company, which is expected to be released in September.

Render images of Apple’s affordable monitor Studio Display have been published!

Render images of the Studio Display external monitor, which is among the products that Apple will introduce tomorrow, have been published.

iPhone 14 will allow faster battery charging than possible

Leaking information about the flagship smartphone that Apple is preparing to release this year continues to come. With this product, there was information that it would change some classic features. It also includes a charging feature. Apple is expected to offer faster battery charging options than is possible with the iPhone 14.

In fact, major smartphone manufacturers have advanced quite a bit in fast charging. So much so that these speeds even saw 150W. However, Apple has always preferred to stay in the background until now. However, it will be the first for the company, which is known for its closed ecosystem, to pave the way for fast charging support with its new smartphone.

The main consideration behind Apple’s not supporting fast charging technology is battery health. The company thinks that existing batteries will not support fast charging. However, the company, which gave up this stance with the iPhone 14, may increase the battery size by saving some space in the device, according to some claims, in order to keep the battery life long.

Some leaks about the iPhone 14

Although the smartphone is only months away from the market, the leak information continues to reach. The most important of these is that the notch design, which has become an icon on iPhone phones, will be abandoned. However, this is still at the claim stage. According to some claims, the removal of the notch design will take place with the next iPhone 15. Also for the adoption of Apple’s eSIM technology removes the SIM card slot is also claimed.

However, even if the notch design is removed with the iPhone 14, the huge front camera notch will not look good. In addition, the company is going through another radical change with the new phone family. It was stated that the “Mini” phones in each series will be removed. In summary, it has been claimed that we will not see a mini model this year, instead a new device called 14 Max will join the series.

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