Instagram Stories Can Be Shared on WhatsApp – Webtekno

In addition to Facebook, Instagram plans to bring cross-sharing support for WhatsApp. Users will soon be able to share their Instagram stories on WhatsApp.

Social media giant within Meta, which was recently revealed to be testing skippable ads Instagram, has now started working on another feature. The new feature will be a step towards the inter-use of platforms connected to Meta.

As it is known, when you share a story on Instagram, you can also share this story on Facebook. Now on WhatsApp cross sharing support The future was seen.

You will be able to share Instagram stories on WhatsApp

The feature was revealed by Alessandro Paluzzi, whom we know for his posts about mobile applications. The feature discovered by Paluzzi is that your Instagram account can be integrated with WhatsApp. your stories It can also be shared via WhatsApp it reveals.

When we look at the shared screenshot, we can see that a WhatsApp section will be added directly next to the Facebook section. Presumably, users will add their stories to WhatsApp’s status updates when they press this section.


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The feature that brings cross-sharing to WhatsApp is currently in testing phase. There is no information about its wide release.

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