India Cryptocurrency Bill Might Be Postponed!

It is still unclear how the Indian government, which is confused about cryptocurrencies, will take a step in this regard.

Because, according to the news of Bloomberg, the bill presented by the Indian government on cryptocurrencies may be delayed.

Sources of Bloomberg stated that the Indian government has not yet completed its work on the controversial cryptocurrency bill, and it does not seem possible until the last parliamentary meeting on December 23.

According to local news sources, the Reserve Bank of India advocates banning cryptocurrencies, while the Indian government is considering regulation within the framework of strict and strict rules.

In a statement on its website last month, the Parliament of India stated that the crypto bill submitted by the government is aimed at creating a framework for a Reserve Bank of India (RBI)-backed digital currency.

The statement further stated that “the bill aimed to ban all private cryptocurrencies in India, but allows certain exceptions to promote the underlying technology of the cryptocurrency and its uses.” it was said.

Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said, “The government of India has no plans to recognize Bitcoin as legal currency.” He stated that it is not possible for cryptocurrencies to be accepted in India.

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