Important Announcement From Binance: This NFT Token Is Coming!

Binance, the largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, announced that it has launched a new non-fungible token (NFT). We convey the details of the announcement…

Non fungible token (NFT) move from Binance!

Binance has announced that it is excited to present its Mystery Box Collection, titled “The Muhammad Ali Experience”, tomorrow at 14:00 Turkish time. According to the release, NFTs showcase original, real-life images featuring the late legendary boxer Muhammad Ali and will alternate to highlight his six core principles of trust, faith, dedication, respect, giving and spirituality.

The NFT collection will include Muhammad Ali’s signature, as well as gold sculptures inspired by him, and the Muhammad Ali Experience logo for wearers to share a piece of his career glory. The “Muhammad Ali Experience” Mystery Box collection consists of six video NFTs at six rarity levels: Bronze (N), Silver (R), Gold (SR), Platinum (SR), Diamond (SSR), and Ultra Diamond (SSR).

What will be the function of these NFTs?

Each NFT unlocks a utility. Bronze (N) – Provides access to the upcoming Muhammad Ali Experience Museum and the Mohammed Ali Experience Metaverse Museum. Silver (R) – Offers a VIP membership access pass to the upcoming Muhammad Ali Experience Museum and the Mohammed Ali Experience Metaverse Museum. Gold (SR) – Provides access to the digital work of Muhammad Ali. Platinum (SR) – NFT of an edition signed by Muhammad Ali. Diamond (SSR) – NFT of Muhammad Ali signed canvas.

Here is the NFT Token Review

Ultra Diamond (SSR) – Consists of an exclusive physically signed canvas by artist Mike Bundlie and Muhammad Ali’s wife with $500 worth of gold stamps on the canvas. Depending on the NFT’s rarity, users will receive their unlocked NFT in various ways. For example, those who buy Bronze and Silver NFTs will have their ticket NFTs sent to their wallets as an airdrop. For other rarities, Binance, the largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, recommends users follow their Twitter and social media accounts.

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