II. Stink Bomb Used in World War II

II. The purpose of the “stink bomb” used during World War II was something that the devil could hardly imagine. However, it had to be removed after a short time.

During the World Wars scary and interesting weapons were used. Stink bomb was one of them and the reasons for using it were really interesting.

This product was produced by the USA for use in German soldiers. The purpose of chemical weapons and why they should be removed let’s see.

It smelled strongly of feces.

“Who Me” stink bomb, World War II. Produced by the United States and France for use against the Germans during World War II; non-lethal, sulphurous and chemical It was a weapon.

This gun had a very strong fecal odor, almost for 2 weeks The smell remained. His aim was to humiliate. The plan was to demoralize the occupying German forces by secretly spraying it on a soldier.

It didn’t take long to use.


The gun contained very high concentrations of volatile sulfur compounds, which were not easy to control. The person who would spray the scent smelled as bad as the person it targeted. Therefore, just two weeks after the stink bomb was produced, it was deemed unsuccessful and was removed from use.

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