Huobi Cryptocurrency Survey Released! Who Invests How Much?

In 2021, there was a significant increase in the global adoption rate of cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin.

In this context, Houbi, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges, has prepared its report named “Crypto Perception Report 2022” in line with the results of its survey.

According to the aforementioned report by Huobi, approximately 70% of crypto owners in the US started investing in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin in 2021.

Huobi Group asked respondents about whether they know about the crypto industry, what they think about the market boom in 2021, etc.

In the survey, which was attended by 3,100 US adults, 68% of respondents said they started investing in cryptocurrencies in 2021, while 28% said they started investing in previous years.

From the results of the survey, it was seen that the participants did not spend a lot of money on crypto. Because 46% of respondents said they invested $1,000 or less in cryptocurrencies, while 25% said they invested between $1,000 and $10,000.

They Consider Cryptocurrency Investment Risky!

When respondents were asked what factors prevent them from investing in cryptocurrencies, 42% of respondents said they think investing in crypto is too risky.

34% of respondents said they were concerned about the lack of regulation for the crypto market, while 24% said they did not have enough capital to invest in crypto.

“People are taking the time to understand the industry and there is more clarity in global regulations, in this context we can expect to see an increase in participation in crypto investment,” said Jeff Mei, Director of Global Strategy at Huobi Group.

*Not investment advice.

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