Hundreds of New Objects Discovered in the Solar System

University of Pennsylvania astronomer Dr. Pedro Bernardinelli and his team examined the region called the Kuiper Belt, which is located at the edge of the Solar System and consists of dwarf planets and meteorites, in the study called the Dark Energy Survey. As a result of the research, it detected 815 celestial objects called trans-Neptunian objects, and it was stated that 461 of them were new.

Mankind, who occupies only a very small place in the universe, is in the vast depths of the universe. continues to explore behind the scenes. A new one has been added to the studies that seem to have no end, and hundreds of new celestial bodies have been detected in the Solar System.

University of Pennsylvania astronomer Dr. A team led by Pedro Bernardinelli, while examining the findings they obtained at the end of 6 years in the research called Dark Energy Survey. It detected 461 celestial bodies.

815 celestial bodies detected beyond Neptune:

In the study, a region called the Kuiper Belt, which is located at the edge of the Solar System and consists of dwarf planets and meteorites, was examined. In their observations of the region in question, astronomers detected 815 objects called trans-Neptune objects. Celestial bodies beyond Neptune, the farthest planet in the system It is called the trans-Neptune object.

The scientists who cataloged the objects in question revealed that 461 of them had never been detected before. This discovery is thought to provide a better understanding of the birth of the Solar System.

This is the second largest catalog ever produced in a single study:

dark energy

The authors of the research, which has not yet been approved by the referee, and opened on the website called Arxiv,There are 817 confirmed objects in this catalogue. 461 of them were discovered for the first time in this study. This could be prepared in a single survey of trans-Neptunian objects. second largest catalog” said.

On the other hand, the main purpose of Dark Energy Research is not to find objects beyond Neptune. The scientists involved in this study, conducted between August 2013 and January 2019, calculate the expansion rate of the universe makes observations.

Dark energy is thought to be responsible for the expansion of the universe:


Dark energy is not yet observable and remains largely a mystery. However, scientists see this energy as the main force responsible for the expansion of the universe. Observations made during the Dark Energy Research have brought a lot of valuable data to astronomy. Among them Celestial bodies in the far reaches of the Solar System is also included.

For example, last year astronomers were reviewing data from the research project in question. More than 100 new dwarf planets had detected.


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