Huge Increase in Electricity in Industry – April 1

A few hours after the huge hikes in natural gas prices, it was announced that the electricity tariffs of industrial subscribers were also increased. The new natural gas and electricity hike reflected in the industries will eventually be reflected to the citizens as a hike in the products they buy.

The cost of living in Turkey, which continues to rise without stopping, came to the fore last night with a new development reminding that we will not be able to get rid of this situation any time soon. Natural gas prices, housing, industry and electricity production, respectively 35%, 50% and 44.3% was delayed.

While it is known that all these hikes will eventually be reflected to the consumer with an increase in any product, the only hike announced within 24 hours was unfortunately not limited to natural gas. This morning, the electricity tariffs of industrial subscribers are also It increased between 20.01% and 26.37%. The electricity tariffs of residential and commercial subscribers did not change.

How will the new hikes affect the citizens?

The hikes in natural gas, which also included electricity production, were reflected in the form of a new hike in electricity tariffs due to the ‘cost increase’ to the citizens. After the natural gas hike last night, the hike reflected only in electricity prices for industries at the moment, does not mean that it will not reflect on us in any way. Because the products and services from the industries will start to be sold at higher prices to cover the increased costs due to the natural gas and electricity hikes. While the cost of every transaction and service in the industry increases, this increase will reflect on the citizens in the form of an increase in product prices.

Source :,1024867

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