Huge Amount Moved From This Altcoin Project To Binance!

Huge altcoin whales are carrying massive amounts of Dogecoin today. Anonymous whales soon split half a billion Dogecoins between Binance and the top 20 wallets.

Anonymous whales send massive amounts of Dogecoin to Binance

DogeWhaleAlert has detected large mailings of Dogecoin transactions in the last 24 hours. While the size of the transfers reached 780 million DOGE, the gas fee paid was quite low. Thus, approximately 4 billion Dogecoins have been moved overall since the beginning of the week.

DogeWhaleAlert discovered six transfers in the last 24 hours, totaling 776 million Dogecoins. Transfers occurred in mails containing between 70 million and 290 million DOGEs. The lowest transactions totaled 72.3 million and 74.3 million Dogecoins. The largest transaction contains a total of 291 million Dogecoins.

In a notable transaction, an anonymous whale transferred a total of 291,143,830 DOGE to Binance worth $24,846,214. In another transaction, between 122,586,585 and 108,369,665 transfers took place between anonymous wallets. According to DogeWhaleAlert, the top 20 DOGE wallets recorded three transactions totaling about 255 million Dogecoins. Meanwhile, only 64.20 DOGE, or $5.48, was paid for the 291 million DOGE sent to Binance.

How many altcoins does Robinhood hold?

The amount of Dogecoins held in Robinhood’s wallets, as well as in Binance, makes a lot of sense for the meme token. The data shows that Robinhood currently holds 39,788,383,719 DOGE on behalf of its investors. Estimated at $3,377,516,528, Dogecoin accounts for 29.99% of the meme coin’s current supply.

Dogecoin is losing social relevance, Shiba Inu takes a step forward

Shiba Inu, the second largest cryptocurrency, surpassed Dogecoin in terms of follower count earlier this week. The official Dogecoin account currently has 3.43 million followers. The Shiba Inu currently owns 3.44 million. Unlike the Shiba Inu, DOGE continues to top CoinMarketCap in terms of market cap, placing 12 against 10. Also, unlike the Shiba Inu, Elon Musk, or “Tony Stark” as he was recently called on Twitter, he is Dogecoin’s biggest and strongest advocate. On the other hand, DOGE was recently accepted by Tesla as a payment method in its online store. In his latest tweet, Musk tweeted that he will continue to support and buy Dogecoin.

Dogechain managed to attract the attention of individual investors

cryptocoin.comAs you follow, the altcoin has seen a serious surge with the launch of Dogechain last week. Described as Tier 2 for Dogecoin, Dogechain provides DOGE users with access to NFTs, games and DeFi. However, the Blockchain platform is not built on Dogecoin. But it works on the Polygon network. Going forward, Dogechain has outlined its plans to potentially enable Dogechain’s dApps ecosystem using wrapped DOGE as its currency.

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