How Will Our Personal Data Be Protected from Apple’s Artificial Intelligence Features?

Apple made a statement to reassure users about the security concerns brought by artificial intelligence features and detailed how data will be protected.

Apple, together with WWDC 2024Apple IntelligenceHe finally introduced us to the artificial intelligence features he named “. As you can imagine, these features, which will be available for iPhone, iPad and Mac, raised some security questions and made users worried about how their data would be collected. In fact, Elon Musk harshly criticized Apple, saying that bringing OpenAI models to the operating system would be a major security breach.

Considering these concerns, the company shared information on how to protect sensitive data. The company said that it has developed a brand new way for this and stated that the data will be kept in a private cloud.

Apple’s artificial intelligence features will work within the device as much as possible, and the data will not be accessible in any way if it goes to the cloud.

Apple says the priority of its privacy-focused system is to perform artificial intelligence tasks locally on devices. In other words, features will be run directly with on-device models, without the need for the cloud. However, if cloud services are required and data is exchanged in this way The data will be encrypted and then deleted.

While the company says that it calls this system “Private Cloud Computing”, it states that the privacy of the users will be protected and security will be ensured. He also underlines that the system will be subject to verification by independent security researchers.

As it is known, many companies, from Google to Meta, are known for collecting and storing personal data. Apple, on the other hand, stated that it would do the opposite. The technology giant states that the data transferred to the cloud will only be used to perform artificial intelligence tasks. will not be accessible by the company in any way stated. This will also be true after the model has been processed and even in situations such as quality control or debugging.


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In short, according to Apple, all sensitive data of users, from private photos to messages, will be protected and artificial intelligence features will not abuse the data. We know that Apple’s main profit comes from hardware. That’s why it was less prominent in data collection than other technology giants. Of course, it has come to the fore with some leaks in the past. We will see in the future how safe artificial intelligence will be in this regard.

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