How to become a good speaker as a woman

Angela Merkel

The former chancellor was not the most charismatic speaker, but according to Grooskop, she would have been particularly convincing with her calm and controlled manner.

(Photo: dpa)

Dusseldorf Viv Grooskop had a clear target audience in mind when she wrote How to Own the Room. This is already clear on the cover: “Women and the magic of brilliant speeches” is the subline of the title. The English author is concerned with making strong speakers out of women.

Even if the reader suspects it at first, Grooskop does not want to explain how to write a good speech. She wants to show how to give good speeches – and that’s a crucial difference. Centuries of socialization mean that women doubt themselves more and look for problems in themselves rather than in others.

This prevents many from interfering in a conference or giving a presentation. In short: women limit themselves instead of using their voice. This is exactly where Grooskop comes in. She wants women to take the space, make themselves heard, and not let their fear rule them.

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