Germany is strong in research into artificial intelligence, and more start-ups are also forming. There are problems with financing and computing capacity.
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Berlin, Dusseldorf ChatGPT, Bard or Ernie – numerous chatbots with artificial intelligence (AI) have made headlines in recent months. However, they were all developed by American and Chinese technology companies. At first glance, Germany seems to be hardly relevant when it comes to the future topic of AI.
But that is deceptive: German research on language models and so-called “generative AI” can compete with the world elite. For example, the AI of Stable Diffusion, one of the best image generators in the world, comes from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.
The AI platform Zeta Alpha has evaluated the 100 most important research papers on the subject of artificial intelligence. The proportion of German researchers in these papers is lower than the proportion from the USA and China. But at least Germany is in fourth place worldwide in the evaluation.
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