How Does the Music Played in Markets Affect Our Shopping?

Have you ever unconsciously drifted into the rhythm of a melody while shopping? If your answer is “yes”, it means that you have adapted to the connection between shopping and music. So how does music affect our shopping?

Correctly selected music not only improves the shopping experience but also sales also increases significantly.

After going into details, you can look more closely at the music that plays every time you enter the market. You will pay attention.

The effect of music on human psychology has been known for a long time.

When we enter a supermarket, the music playing in the environment appeals to our subconscious and directs our shopping behavior. A study conducted in 1982 found that music shopping time and amount spent revealed that it had a direct impact.

slow paced Customers spend more time in markets where music is played, which leads to more spending.

Choosing the right music varies depending on the demographic characteristics of the target audience and the shopping environment.

The effect of music on shopping

Customers in markets where classical music is played, more expensive products prefers. Shopping is faster and more efficient in markets where popular and familiar songs are played.

Cultural differences also play an important role. According to a study conducted in a wine store, When French music is played Interest in French wines increases, and when German music is played, interest in German wines increases.

Music selection is made according to customer density and time zone.

shopping tactics

Faster tempo music is preferred during busy shopping hours to speed up shopping. during quiet hours Slower and relaxing music is preferred. While this strategy increases customer satisfaction, it also affects the sales efficiency of markets.

This impressive factor of music is, of course, not only in markets. restaurant It also applies to businesses such as. The right music is selected in accordance with the corporate identity of the company and a visible difference is created.

Music selection, modern retail strategies We can consider it as an indispensable part.

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