How Do Climate Changes Affect Our Mental Health?

When it comes to climate change and suddenly changing temperatures, we can’t help but think about how this will affect the world we live in and our future.

Scorching heat, freezing cold, flood, rain, storm… Don’t you think each of these feels quite different?

Bride How climate changes affect us let’s see.

Climate change; It directly affects brain health, mental health and internal psychology.

For example, in the United Kingdom, a country in Europe, temperature changes are quite noticeable. 2 years ago, for the first time in history, It was observed that daytime temperatures rose above 40 degrees.

After this country experienced the hottest days in its history, researchers began examining how extreme heat affected people’s well-being. More than half of the people interviewed He stated that their mental health was negatively affected due to the extreme heat.

These effects; emotional distress, bad moods, and general irritability It was situations like this. Also among those most frequently mentioned was lack of sleep.

According to experts, all these stressors also negatively affected decision-making ability and communication skills.


In fact, you didn’t even need to be alive to experience these. Namely, a study conducted on expectant mothers who experienced Hurricane Sandy, which hit New York in 2012, showed that the likelihood of daughters born to mothers who experienced this storm to suffer from depression is lower. It turned out that it was 20 times more than others.

Moreover, boys who were exposed to storms in the womb were more likely to be affected than those who were not exposed. They are 60 times more likely to have ADHD detected.

In summary, climate changes, as proven by the research we mentioned, It has many negative effects, physiologically and psychologically. Really, the days go by with the scorching heat, right?

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