How Did People Wake Up On Time Before The Alarm Clock?

As modern humanity, we live almost addicted to alarms. But getting up early was not as easy as it is now. So how did people wake up before the modern alarm was invented?

“What is the thing that we use the most in our daily life and that bothers us the most?” The first thing that may come to our mind when we think of alarms takes place. These alarms often save our day and sometimes ruin our sleep. Well, in the absence of these alarms that make themselves felt in every aspect of our lives. people How could they wake up whenever they wanted to fulfill their duties?

Before looking for an answer to this question, we need to touch on how the first “primitive timer”, namely the clock, was found. Ancient Greeks and Egyptians to the movements of the sun They developed sundials and obelisks that worked by the movement of the shadow. By the 1500s, humanity produced hourglasses and water clocks. Nowadays, we are dependent on the alarms we use from our smartphones.

If there are no inventions and they must wake up on time, plenty drinking water they were sleeping.

Thanks to this drinking of water, people were able to get things done just before sunrise. bladder control system This wake-up system, called the Wake-up System, was also used by Native Americans at the time.

Before the invention of the clock spiked from wax they were taking advantage of.

Candle, one of the first inventions of antiquity, could be used both as warming and as a reminder. Similar to this reminder-based alarm system, a nail was attached to the desired time interval in a spiked candle, and when the melted wax drops reached the level of the nail, they fell under the candle holder. make a sound was warning.

So how did the first alarm clock appear?

The idea of ​​alarm dates back to the Ancient Greek physicist and mathematician Ktesibios. Ktesibios is the inventor of the water clock, which works by filling the tank with water with a certain rhythm. This, is the first alarm clock but this watch was not very useful for alarm as it did not have enough noise.

Then the philosopher Plato, whose ideas are debated even today, set his own alarm clock. invented it. This alarm is the water clock and with his voice It is the first successful alarm clock to wake people up.

The alarm clock produced by Plato made the Greek engineering school Ctesibius more efficient. Ctesibius, alarm this dial and pointer He did this by making the alarm planable by adding Thanks to Ctesibius, humans were able to control when they would wake for the first time in history.

Later in history, the Ancient Greeks first mechanical watch they invented. This invention spread to every civilization in the world over time.

How did people wake up after the industrial revolution?

Britain and Ireland after the Industrial Revolution arousers began to take an active role. These awakening people with a long stick they were working by banging on the window of the person to be woken up. The job was also in high demand by working people, as wakers provided a cheaper service for a few pence than an alarm clock. When the price of the alarm clock became affordable and became widespread among the people, this profession came to an end.

By October 24, 1876, American watchmaker Seth E Thomas; can be considered modern, can be installed at any time patented a mechanical wind-up alarm clock. This watch is pre-tech pioneer of alarm clocks has been. Today, the alarm system has become so small and practical that it can enter our pockets via our smartphones.

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